Wendy Phua Quartet Esplanade Waterfront 22 Jan 2010


New member
Hello Everyone!

This Fri at Esplanade On the Waterfront 7.30-9.30pm, I'll be playing songs from my EP and new songs ranging from progressive fusion to funk and world music.

It's the first time I'll be playing my solo bass songs in a band setting. Supporting me are some very fine musicians midi-guitarist/looper Randolf Arriola (Embryo http://www.myspace.com/theembryo), Audrey Tang on Western Percussions (Walking On Water www.myspace.com/walkingonw) and Jamal Khairi on Turkish Percussions.

We're going to explore some really interesting middle eastern and western rhythms along with bass tapping, and of course some far out looping with Randolf. You definitely won't want to miss out on this!

Shern Wong www.myspace.com/shernwong will be taking over the last set at 10pm-10.45pm.


For more info, go to

Do drop by to RSVP at http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=262898886197

You can check out videos too at http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=wendy phua&search=Search&sa=X&oi=spell&resnum=0&spell=1


Wendy Phua

Videos Up! - Wendy Phua Quartet Esplanade 22 Jan 2010

BIG THANKS to everyone who made it down to the show! It was brilliant having such a great responsive audience and my heart leaped when everyone clapped along to the jam section in Veerasamy :)

I've performed at the Waterfront a few times before it was newly renovated, but the vibe remains just as great as before. Against the beautiful skyline and cool river breeze, this has always been one of my favourite platforms to play at.

Truly it was one of the most exciting shows I've performed in a while, not least because it was the FIRST time that my solo bass songs were performed in a band setting. And I owe it all to the musicians in the quartet who made the show possible - Randolf for his amazing midi guitar works, Jamal for kicking up the mood with his mind-blowing ethnic percussions and Audrey for her wonderfully tasteful additions on Western percussions.

Photos will be up in a while but first here's the link to the videos which are up!

For a taste of what to expect, here's the 20min fusion track Veerasamy :)

Part 1

Part 2


Wendy Phua


Photos - Wendy Phua Quartet Esplanade 22 Jan 2010

The photos from the Esplanade 22 Jan 2010 are finally ready! They can be viewed in full splendor at http://www.wendyphua.com/photos/?show=slide!


Wendy Phua Quartet


Wendy Phua
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