WELCOME - New Album by Happy Graveyard Orchestra now out!

Debbie Teo

New member
After much sweat and tears, our first full length album 'Welcome' is now out!
We're super stoked to share our music with you so feel free to spread the word if you love it!

Please support and purchase the album on
Bandcamp: http://happygraveyardorchestra.bandcamp.com/album/welcome
iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/album/id980752981

or listen here on
Spotify: https://play.spotify.com/album/7jxe20LmovyoNIDcLTBDUK

Stay updated with us via our Facebook and Twitter (@HappyGraveyardO)

or visit our webpage here: http://happygraveyardorchestra.co.uk/

“There are bands that dare you to put a label on their music, or try to pigeon-hole their style. Happy Graveyard Orchestra just sits back and watches you try, with the evil genius grin your algebra teacher wore when you tried to explain a quadratic equation…” (The Closet Concert Arena – March 2015) :twisted:


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