Weaker left hand.


New member
How do you overcome the weaker hand during drumming? most of us have a right master hand which is stronger .. but how do you cover up for the left hand which is weaker during drumming ....or during rudiment practices.
One way is that you could practice on your stroking of your left hand more. Play example one beat on your right hand and play double the speed of that one beat you played on your left hand.

Make things easier : Right hand 100 - Left hand 200
The other way is to give more force to the left hand as we uses right hand most of the time. Thus, left hand lacks training in strenght.

But most importantly, both sound must be balance. Else, it will sound like horse running instead of 1 hand playing sound.

simple exercises, really simple ones u can do. is to start your rudiments on your left hand more often for example

your doublestrokes:
do LL RR LL RR LL RR instead

paradiddles u can leave it as it is cuz it's a rudiment that naturally switches accent to the left hand.
so.. Rlrr Lrll Rlrr Lrll remember those accents!!
> > > > <--- i know they should be on top of the letters.

yah so anyway.. the idea is to start your rudiments with your left hand.
there are still more..
try to go 8R and then 8L, it strengthens the cooordination at each hand, increases the accuracy of the strokes in each hand too. Always use a metronome.
try to start playing using your left had first. for me it will feel weird. let your left hand lead.

for example, a paradiddle. RLRRLRLL.
try playing LRLLRLRR. and play the first left stroke harder. that will excercise the left hand. alot of times i think our left hand is weak not because it is weak as in less muscles. drums not about muscles. thus i dun think strenght is the issue here. but because we are not used to our left hand. juz like we can't use chopsticks or write using our left hand.

try to be really fexible with your left hand and good at it. a kid prodigy like tony royster junior definitely has less muscles then me. but he is more God-like.

i guess its just the techniques. work hard!!

hey, happy drumming!!
wank with your left hand :P

No seriously, my right arm/hand is stronger than my left hahaha. Gf teases me about it.
practise everything leading with your left instead of your right. usually when you have a stronger right hand, and you practise a new rudiment or an old rudiment at a new speed, when leading with your right hand you tend to grasp the rudiment faster. but when you lead with your left hand it's slower than with your right. so since your right's faster, and your right hand's so much better, cut it some slack and let your left lead. when you grasp all the rudiments with your left leading it not only improves your coordination, but also makes up for that 'weakness'. another way you could do it was taught by Dom Famularo. play on the kit with your left hand on hi hat and ride, i.e. don't cross-stick. it opens up your playing, and gives you more options when you play, along with strengthening your left hand alot.
actually, both hands have like almost similar muscles.. it is just a matter of unlocking your left hand... like keep practicing until you feel your wrist loosen. to do that your left hand must do what your right hand can do.

i thought of something that i don't know if it helps, but like all the patterns that the hand does uses a different muscle, and all these muscles will sum up to the speed of your single stroke. such patterns are like the moellar motion, single strokes, double strokes, triple strokes, 4 strokes, different rock patterns ( eg 1e&, 1 &a), diddle patterns ( r rr, l ll), flam patterns, samba patterns... if your left hand can play all these things, one day it will loosen up and be really speed up

i guess that is why rudiments are so impt...

leading with the left hand thing helps too, but it is more in the mind.... as most things are in the mind :)

at least it happened to me so yeah i think since we all have similar hands and a drummer's feel for music, it should work for you too:) try?:) keep going man, we are all working on this:)

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