WC2010 Any Argentina fans?


New member
Argentina totally thrashed Greece earlier this week. Looks like they are bound to win the World cup!! woohoooo~ :p

Hmmm anyway just to share... happened to chance upon this on YouTube while searching for Messi. I bet he is some crazy Messi fan.

Can someone actually run that fast? :mad:
I'm not exactly a fan, due to the rather eccentric coach. However, i do enjoy watching them, as long as they're not defending! Haha. Anyway, isn't this supposed to be in the sports section?
I decided to support Argentina after watching their first game. It's because of (i) Maradona. I like his animated antics and colourful comments. And he's going to set the world record for giving people the most hugs, (ii) Messi. That boy can play a bit so it seems, (iii) Their tactics. They attack and score freely but suicidal in defense. And that take some guts.

My money on them to win the world cup. :)
Big money big money! In my dreams... because I don't bet at all. :( Ah well.

loldude333: will the mods kindly drop this into the sports section?

van_halen: no idea, maybe he plays in one of our local teams?

guitarsan: yay! any other teams you're rooting for?

imkeith: yeah! I wonder as well.
Me been a lifelong argie fan. Been very disappointed with the outcome over the last 2 WC, esp in 2002 where we had a great team, but opponents were just playing 11 man defence. THey had better coaches then as well.

This WC, i hope they will do well but i think their defence is still too shaky and have yet been punished. But then again, they have players that can change the game by themselves. But so far, i still see they playing as a team of individuals.

I think they may not fair as well when faced agst brazil or germany, cuz their defence is also old n slow. I do hope for the best tho, altho i prefered if aimar was there n if they had a coach who really noes wats going on

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