wat bass dist/ overdrive u own?? do u like it?

I use an Ibanez PD7 bass overdrive. Has a pretty sweet overdrive tone but i think where it really shines is the clean boost, can get a very sweet slap/pop tone with it. A pretty decent pedal for the price. =)
i use a pd-7 but it sounds a lil bit too artificial for my liking.

i've tried a big muff into an overdriven tube amp. crazy wall of distortion. :twisted:
so far, ive used odb, tech 21 XXL, od3, zoom, mxr m80 di+, mt1, ds1, sans amp bddi

n i still havent found wat im lookin for!!!!!!!

but the closest ive come liking is the m80 n the nippon ds1.

i dunno if a compressor or other fx shud compliment the od/dist....hmm..

will try, will try!!!
hey fely, i got that mxr m-80 too. but then ah, the dist doesnt sound nice leh, like halfway there only.. haha.
i dunnno maybe sth wrong with the config..wads yours ?
if i remember, i always had the color on, eq depends on wat amp i use n add just a touch of dist. all in all dis dist is gd, but i feel if i explore more pedals, i will get a better dist sound than dis.. its jus my opinion tho.
come on felytone (apis) search no more.
No fuss, no worries.
Join me bro (Boss GT6B) hehehe..
it's not wat u need, it's wat u want.
slapwalkpop said:
ahh i see. haha i dunno much about setting eq(on pedals and amps), so sometimes i really dislike my bass tone :/ alamak

then just shut up and give me ur fortress lar. haha
felytone said:
if i remember, i always had the color on, eq depends on wat amp i use n add just a touch of dist. all in all dis dist is gd, but i feel if i explore more pedals, i will get a better dist sound than dis.. its jus my opinion tho.

felytone bro...can i know where did you buy your mxr80 from?
hey there reyrey, i got it used from another groover. so i got it wee cheaper from a brand new one in swee lee, hehe...

n pls ultrasound, dun temp me no more! i just got into some new shit called project ultrabroke. evryday eat biscuit drink plain water at werk. LOL!! hope my sacrifices will pay off!!
haha i think maybe he's getting a woooly mammoth

hey felytone, which attitude bass do you have? can post pics? looks sweet man. giving me the G@S :twisted:
GAS hit me lah SWP!!!! like my drummer said, he's hating his bassist having GAS! LOL! evrytime diffrent sound!

n timmy, i dun have pics of my bass alone animore, most of it were taken with her bf fondling n hugging, heheh...u still want em posted now? it's gross i tell ya!!!
haha fely, i don't care man. she's too hot. i'll see past the gross stuff the bf is doin haha.

the blue with red inlay attitudes are damn hot man. too bad they don't sell them anymore :cry: