warwick bass good?

Ask Zero_G, he is a great fan of Warwick basses! Personally, they are very good basses giving you a "modern" tone.
good is subjective and debateble ...

brands are a matter of personal taste and preference.

objectively, all manufactures have a set of quality control over the production of their instruments to ensure playability and reliablity over the years. It's really a matter of personal choice that will influence one's perception on the value of a brand and instrument.

I've inclined towards Yamaha basses but basses like Warwick, MTD, Musicman, Nordstrand, Warmoth still take a part of me. So it's subjective really.

The only thing that probably isn't subjective when comes to "bass-choosing" is the quality of the basses,stuff like construction, fit and finish, fretwork, etc.
I think warwicks are hard to play(in terms of string spacing, weight distribution, 36" scale and small body), but the tone is nice.

Hmm, in my opinion most of warick basses bodies are pretty slim and small. That will appeal to those that like smaller bodies. But in my case it's a negative factor since i am a fan of bigger bodies, like fender bodies & yamaha's BB series or Ibanez ATK bass. = )

yeah +1 to reyrey = )
Best way is to try out all the different basses, you'll have a better idea of the tone, weight and body design.
lol. thx for pointing to me so quickly rylche =p

warwicks are made from exotic woods like bubinga, ovangkol and wenge. they some how bring out 'growl'. and if u havent heard growl b4, go hear those artists who use warwicks. ppl like seth horan, adam russel (story of the year), paul gray (slipknot) etc.

the growl also comes with 'punch', where you feel the notes just slam in your face. warwicks natural frequency range just cuts thru the mix. your bass can really be heard!

warwicks are more solid in feel than any other basses i've tried. they are huge and heavy. but thats a price i'm willing to pay for top notch instruments.

go try one out yourself. or go try a rockbass. you'd be very surprised at how these basses can sound.
hey i guess it depends on what kind of music you play..

if ur looking for the deep, funky and modern tone, warwicks are for you man!

i personally own a corvette and i love it a lot haha
Love it more than your girlfriend / significant other? Haha. Mine always complains about me spending on bass stuff more than her! Any of you guys experience this? :lol: