
New member
alright. a five string warwick bass. non rockbass.
in sg will cost how much
THE CHEAPEST! and model please thanks yall...

it's 5.30am and i'm laughing to what has got the be the most ...

nvm, i'm laughing so hard i stopped thinking.
the other time i asked if i cld try, the guy said sorry, serious buyers only. i mean ya, some ppl try try for fun la, but im relly looking ard for another bass. and how do they know if someone is a serious buyer or not ? going by the looks,age,gender etc??
gender? :? ..

erm,can tell 1 wat whether u serious or not..but most of the time if u're of some age ( like 40+ yrs old ) they'll let u in..

G77 has some warwicks but they're second hand..
all you gotta do is just bring gay loads of cash. and say. if it's good. i buy today. you think they wont allow you in? wear some designer clothes. and talk like youre the godfather. hehheh get someone to translate for you.
hmm i had a warwick corvette for a few years before i sold it.. yes, it did warp and i had to do adjustments a couple of times over the period.

its prob the weather/humidity, because i brought the same bass overseas for almost a year without this problem.

heh.. if u talking abt swee lee, understand their point of view, but imho it'll hurt their biz too..

A: 'you don't buy can't try..'
B: 'can't try, how wld i know if i want to buy..?'

chicken n egg, bak chor mee n ter kua... :p
ahkiatt said:
one more thing. i heard that warwick necks warp easily in Singapore weather. anyone got any past experiences?

ask Z3r0_G .... he has a Warwick Corvette Basic