WARNING: Extremely negative experience with Slingbass


Hi guys,

I have had the distinct displeasure of playing with Slingbass. I feel morally obligated to disclose the facts of what transpired so that people who are considering whether to play with him will be fully informed of what they can expect.

We started playing together about 7 months ago. At that time, I was playing with another guitarist, drummer and a vocalist. Over a couple of months, the other original band members withdrew due to work commitments. We continued to look for suitable band members, with me conducting most of the search. Eventually, I found a vocalist, and asked a long-time friend to join us on guitar. Slingbass brought to the mix the drummer from his other band (who is an excellent drummer).

Our original intent was to get a lineup and develop a set list, with the intention of playing out once every three months or so. About 2 months ago, I responded to an ad looking for a guitarist. I informed Slingbass of my intention to audition for the other band, to which the commitment would be to play out on Fridays and Saturdays, three times a month with one weekend off. Slingbass, being acquainted with the members of the other band, commented that they were a very busy band, but told me that he wished me luck. About a month later, the other band told me that I was accepted. When I relayed the message to Slingbass, he gave me an ultimatum, and told me that I would have to choose between the two bands, and that he would not allow me to play in both. I told him that it was my responsibility to manage my time, and that if I was given an ultimatum, I would choose the other band. I clearly articulated that I did not think I would be unable to manage my time between the band that played regularly, and the band with him, which at this stage, barely had a list of 10 songs, and had only jammed with the full line up about 3 or 4 times. Prior to this, I had met every commitment for the band, made all rehearsals, initiated practices, and transcribed songs and arrangements. I particularly remember having to write out the structure for Accidentally In Love, after he complained that the songs was complicated. I certainly did not think it was anywhere near complicated.. but different folks, different strokes. I specifically said that if he no longer wanted to play with me, I would respect his decision, but I certainly did not agree with his assessment of the situation.

At this juncture, he ceased talking to me entirely, without even acknowledging my final comment. It must be added that by this time, we were meeting regularly outside of the band, about once a week with our respective spouses. To the outside observer, it would appear that there would be what is conventionally known as a friendship there, that that even extended to our respective spouses. Rather than exercising basic human decency, and letting the band members know that we had a disagreement about the level of commitment and he would like me to leave, he did something far less expected. He sent an e-mail to the rest of the band, excluding me, informing them that I told him I was quitting the band, that I had joined the busiest band in Singapore, and that I would only be able to practice on Monday's from 3-5 pm. This was, of course, untrue. When I found out about the e-mail, I sent a message to everyone in the band, including him, stating the nature of our earlier conversation, and then I withdrew from the band, as I did not want to be involved into a power struggle, especially over a band that had jammed with the lineup only 3 or 4 times, which had never even come close to a gig.

I was willing to let sleeping dogs lie... but then, he turned around about a month later, and did the exact same thing to the other guitarist. The other guitarist happened to be away on holiday when Slingbass was organizing another practice, and informed him of his schedule. Slingbass then, again unilaterally, sent an e-mail to the drummer and vocalist, and told them that the other guitarist had quit. Same shit, different day.

As far as his bass playing goes, he is a competent, if rigid bass player.

Certainly, he knows how to run his band. If you're happy to play by his rules (100%, no compromises), then you may indeed find playing with him a rewarding experience. However, it appears that the moment he feels that he does not have 100% control over your schedule, he has no qualms about "firing" you from his band, and fabricating reasons to the rest of the band members while cutting you out of the loop. If you feel comfortable playing with someone like that, by all means, please do contact him. But be warned, it seems that what happened to me AND the other guitarist, could most certainly happen to you.

Please feel free to contact me, either by PM or out in the open, if you wish to clarify any part of this story.

I do sincerely hope that no SOFTie has the displeasure of being treated as an object, as I and the other guitarist have.

PS: He may be wondering why I am choosing to raise this issue now, a couple of months after the events. The reason is simple. If he had done that to me and me alone, I could perhaps assume that the falling out was attributable to some personal disagreement which I am not aware of. But then he does the exact same thing, to the exact same group of people. I won't touch on personal details, but my own opinion is that this trait of his is pervasive throughout other aspects of his life. In that regard, the problem is no longer about the disagreement he and I may have had. Through his conduct, he has made it a problem about the way he treats people in general. Had he not been looking for new band members on SOFT, there would be nothing for me to warn people about. But since he has chosen to resurface and get up to his old tricks again, I think it's only fair that the community have fair warning of his modus operandi. I am also posting this publicly to give him the chance to clear the air and defend his reputation, if he truly believes he has nothing wrong. I won't be sneaking sending e-mails to people behind his back, as he does, because it's simply not the right thing to do... even if he has no qualms about doing it.
haha rope the rest of the members and fire him and find a new bassist instead, problem solve.
If you notice his last 3 posts on SOFT, he's looking for...

Lead guitarist, guitarist, and singer

Guess we know the story there :)
Reading this post is like reading an entry from a gossip magazine.

@adamqlw: You may think you are a good Samaritan by putting up this post but that does not make you a better person for airing dirty linen in public. Just move on to better things in life and ignore whatever wrong things that person had done to you. What comes around will come around. No need to post such long sob story here. Anyway there are many perspectives in this story and yours may not be always the correct one.
@adamqlw: You may think you are a good Samaritan by putting up this post but that does not make you a better person for airing dirty linen in public. Just move on to better things in life and ignore whatever wrong things that person had done to you. What comes around will come around. No need to post such long sob story here. Anyway there are many perspectives in this story and yours may not be always the correct one.

While I agree that perhaps, it is an airing of dirty laundry, perhaps it is also best that dubious characters be let known.
Every accusation has some degree of truth in it. I believe that Adam here would not blindly throw accusations against people that has little basis, because under the law, that amounts to "defamation" and he can be sued.

In a way, highlighting such suspected characters can benefit in two ways:

1) It allows others to be forewarned of such a character, thus preventing more to be hurt or receive such a negative experience
2) It also allows both the accuser and the suspect to give their sides of the story, and perhaps patch up a complete misunderstanding between the both of them. Sometimes, its all a mere misunderstanding. While airing in public is not exactly the best way, it means that they allow the public to scrutinize their every action and word, and thus allow the public to draw conclusions to who they think is in the wrong.
Singaporeans are prideful people - we don't like to "lose face", but if we are in the wrong, we only stand to "lose more face" if we continue bickering back like a 12 year old, which then forces us to admit our mistakes and be humbled
Reading this post is like reading an entry from a gossip magazine.

@adamqlw: You may think you are a good Samaritan by putting up this post but that does not make you a better person for airing dirty linen in public. Just move on to better things in life and ignore whatever wrong things that person had done to you. What comes around will come around. No need to post such long sob story here. Anyway there are many perspectives in this story and yours may not be always the correct one.

I'd say it's coming around right now. Reasonable people should be reasoned with. People who have demonsrated repeatedly that they don't think there's anything wrong with lies and who lack common decency, on the other hand, should be exposed for what they are, if only to spare other people from the same misfortune. This is an open forum, where all perspectives may be aired, and I'm willing and able to defend all my claims. I would love to be proven wrong, I'd be much happier to find out that people don't really behave that way!
I do agree that this posting would give both parties ample opportunities to give their sides of the story.. and slingbass have not yet responded to any of it.

btw.. sueing for defamation could only be carried out if the person possess an official, professional or business reputation, or a title which could be damaged by slander.
I agree with the ancientmariner,

adamqlw: Dude, i am sure both sides have their stories. And i am looking forward to Slingbass to give his honest side. However,i notice you used "rigid bass player" and "he complained the song is too complex". Now herein lies the deep rooted problem.
It is a songwriting collaberation right? what i feel is its not really the two bands thingy or the conflict of schedules u both have,but it is the atmosphere the different style.As i can say he is not into Jazz. Now i dont know slingbass personally. But what i feel is only the above. By the way,there's nothing wrong with a band leader/founder to express his wish to have members in one band only. Of course,not everyone is like him. But u may leave or stay entirely up to you,dude. My advice is don't start a 'true friendship' too soon if u don't know him well yet.
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Hi ridethetiger. Just to clarify some points:

It was primarily a cover band. We did have intention to one day write some originals, but we never even hit the first yardstick, which was a gig playing covers.

My comment regarding him being rigid is less a complaint or reason to not play with him, but more of an observation. I myself have my shortcomings as a player! I'm more than happy to play second fiddle in any band that I play in, and the rest of the band let him pretty much call the shots with regards to song selection and the like… which we were comfortable with.

I also agree that there is nothing wrong with band members making taking a stand to say that members can only play in one band. My main caution is the *way* in which he did it, sending out e-mails and "firing" people, while fabricating reasons for why they quit (or even that they quit at all?). I'm not quite sure what would give a person the impression that that's generally acceptable social behavior.

As for your last point… very good advice indeed :) To be honest, never before in my private or professional life have I come across such a person… I'm trying not to let it shake my faith in people though. There's all sorts of personality types, some people are pushier than others, but I still believe that people are fundamentally decent (though, it now seems, with a few exceptions…)
Ok, so it's a cover band and u are helping him out transposing n re-arranging,its good n kind of you to do that.But such people do exists, i mean erm, i am sure there r worst types around there,not neccessary in soft. Just sad that u have encountered all this anguish to post about Slingbass here. But still i want to hear his side of the story. His method of conveying the truth about u to the rest of the band may not be correct,but what is your suggested way for him to do it? and by the way,what is his age? a bit curious to know,don't mind sharing.
To say that I decided quit because I joined another band grossly misrepresents what actually happened, and makes it look like I made the decision on my own, which is far from the truth. Clearly, he didn't even want to run it by the rest of the band members to solicit their feedback, because then he would have to justify his claim. So instead, he cut me out of the loop and fed them his story. Of course, since I am good friends with the guitarist and acquainted with the singer, I discovered the details anyway. Since he knew this would happen, he obviously just didn't care. I would have assumed that this was purely a personal matter… but then, he did the same thing all over again :/

The second time he did it, it was even more ridiculous as the other guitarist made no claim whatsoever about wanting to withdraw or about a change of circumstances, he simply stated that he was out of the country and would be ready to jam when he got back in a week. To say that he quit, under those circumstances… it's the same thing all over again, and it's clearly not personal anymore.

Regarding specific details about his age and other personal details, I think it would be best to leave it to him to disclose if he feels it's appropriate. I can only say that everyone in the band was over 21 and no longer schooling.
I have to agree totally... It's your side of the story TS, but there may have been his as well...

Anyway isn't this a thread looking for musicians? Maybe there should be a human decency forum on Soft if you want to bring up an issue like this.
Regardless of whos side of the story is being told is besides the point.
The TS wants so bring up a situation calling for awareness. I dont understand why some of you have to provide your sarcastic useless comments. Dont wanna know about the situation then dont even click or read this thread.
Since some have added crappy comments, heres one of mine to those who have done so : No need for you forum policemen.

Unlike some other childish threads with always the same comments asking to post two sides of the story, The TS has presented His point of view in a very mature manner. His purpose is to raise awareness. There are nuances in his story showing the respect he has for the other party still. You guys are not wrong in saying its only his side of the story, but if his intention was to slam the other fellow i dont think he would have kept private details quiet. I feel that the TS is here to raise awareness so you can expect something when you work with that particular person , nothing more.

And no im not in anyway related to the TS.

Just think before you type.
I think that the TS is not wrong.. It wouldn't be right either if he didn't write a wall of text and explain in details about his unpleasant experience with that fellow.

Anyway, it's always good to have people like TS. I don't really like time-wasters who don't simply have the discipline and the right set of mind to lead a band. Certainly, it could be a leisure band. However, it wouldn't be as fun when you're in the same band with people who are morally dumb.

But of course, to further verify the truth of the content behind the incident, it's always better to have the opposite party to share his side of the story. Well, high possibility that TS is telling the truth. No one would wanna waste time to write a whole chunk of texts and expect people to read them and expect to flame some people..

Just my 1 cent.
Unlike some other childish threads with always the same comments asking to post two sides of the story, The TS has presented His point of view in a very mature manner. His purpose is to raise awareness. There are nuances in his story showing the respect he has for the other party still. You guys are not wrong in saying its only his side of the story, but if his intention was to slam the other fellow i dont think he would have kept private details quiet. I feel that the TS is here to raise awareness so you can expect something when you work with that particular person , nothing more.

And no im not in anyway related to the TS.

Just think before you type.

The way u type "just think before you type' sounds very egocentric, i am sure so far no one has posted childish remarks. And i am in no way or form saying that TS is 'trying to slam slingbass' i have respect for TS as well,but besides providing details and good and clear english, i still think Slingbass need to come here and show his side of explaination. There's nothing wrong with that right? and i am not a policeman.

I am not related to TS or Slingbass.

Mr. Potatoe
And believe me,there's a lot of people whose gone thru a lot of shits in a lot of lineups or bands. To post here or not is not a sin. But if Slingbass doesnt respond within 1 week then we shall declare TS as a righteous person and him someone to avoid, it's that simple.
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