Wanting to mod a bass into jazz-sounding bass...


New member
Will it means all I have to do is to just change the pickups into seymour duncan or MEC jazz bass pickups? Bass noob here..
Depends on your question actually.

If you're talking about Jazz Bass sounding ala Fender Jazz Bass, then yes pickups have to be swapped. If yours is already a Jazz bass copy or a bass with Jazz bass pickups, then all you have to do is search for Tesla/DiMarzio/EMG/Seymour Duncan/Bartolini/Aguilar/MEC jazz pickups that you like. If yours is a bass with 2 soapbar pickups ala Spector, then the only choice you have are the EMG 35/40/45-Js, which are essentially jazz pickups in soapbar housings, with

- 35 for 4 string
- 40 for 5 string
- 45 for 6 string

However, if you're talking about modifying your bass to sound jazz-y as in the genre, then it's more than just pickups. Strings play a part too - half-rounds, flats, etc. However, if you have an active bass that has an internal preamp, it's easy to emulate a jazz tone via tone knobs. Maybe you just need to change the pickups to jazz-y sounding pickups, then further enhance the tone with the internal preamp, plus your choice of strings.
well what is your definition of jazz sounding pickup? is it mid scooped, is it that bright hi-mid tone, is it that midrangey jaco tone, or that hi-fi active emg sounds