VOX Tonelab ST, MG30FX etc.


Having a bit of gas lately.

Currently my only amps are

1. Microcube

2. Marshall MS-4 (battery mini)

3. VOX Amplug Lead.

The microcube is the only 'loudest' room amp i got.

Thinking of getting a VOX VT30, then I saw the VOX tonelab ST, wonder if it will sound good if I hook it up to the line-in jack of the microcube.

Then also saw the new Marshall MG30FX series.

Having some difficulty deciding which gear to get.

Which could you go for? VT30 ? MG30FX ? Tonelab ST ?

Or you would just go for a roland cube30x instead? I already have a microcube so the cube30x is not that much of a difference/improvement in tone other than loudness level.
i think microcube line out to the vox wouldnt be half as good as just using the vox amp itself using your guitar volume knob to roll off the gain and get a nice clean rolled-off sound. Dunno if u understand wad i mean LOLOL

if u are looking for having a powerful setup with effects i believe u will be much better with a multi effects unit like the tonelab. Unless u are doing jamming at home i believe u can stick with your microcube as a practice amp with the tonelab churning out your tones in which u can use for home practice/recording and also for gigging purposes where u can plug into any amp and pretty much get the same sound everytime