VOX ToneLab SE


New member

I own one of these monstrously oversized effects pedals, which also ways about a ton and a half.

I was just wondering if I was to sell this, just an estimate, how much would I get for it?

Original price is S$1000, and it was bought at City Music. Still in great condition.

The reason why I am wondering whether to sell or not is because I'm not patient enough to fiddle around with it enough to find a nice sound for my Gibson. With my Fender its sweet, but with the Gibson, maybe due to the humbuckers, I can't find any sweet sound.

I wanna downsize to just a single overdrive pedal. Obviously one that would last me till the end of time, and provides an amazing sound whether for Fender or Gibson. One of those pedals that has single button that should have a warning on it that says, "Caution, only use in case of mind f***ing solo."

Anyone have one of these?

P.S. Am I posting in the right forum? Cause Im not selling it, but I just wanna know how much I would get for it if I did sell it.

Thanks in advance!

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