Vocalist Needed for folk Music (Either female or male)

Mr Blue

New member
Hi all,

Searching for a vocalist be it a gal or guy to complete the band.
Its a small band comprising of three including vocalist.
We are doing Folk/Indie Folk/Indie/Folk-electronica kind of music.
Currently we are in the process of creating an EP and need a vocalist to write lyrics, complement the music & help add a different/new perspective to the song.

We are an originals band and we rarely do covers.

Basically, we stick to the word indie too so production, recording, song writing etc are all done by my friend and I.

We have various influences in the above genres so we channel them into our song writing and achieve the above sound.

If you r a fellow song writer/singer who's into folk/indie and writes stuff in relation to the above genres, we are more than happy to hear from you. There's a quite a bit going on when we work on our music so it would be good if you are someone who's willing to commit time to do music and fulfill your passions. We are open to ideas as always when it comes to music and above all, we put in effort to make our music good.

Pm me @ 85220197 to chat if you are keen. Would love to hear some demos if you have some.

Have a nice day!:)