Vocalist Needed! (and possibly a bassist, drummer, and guitarist)


New member
Hey guys! I've been writing songs for quite a while, and I did find a vocalist a few months ago, but she pulled out because she has too many commitments. So I desperately need a vocalist. And if you can play the guitar well that's even better. I might also need a bassist and drummer, but right now I really need a vocalist.

I write anything from indie rock to folk. Please check out my demos at https://soundcloud.com/sobernights ! There aren't any vocals, so the verses might be a bit boring. But that's where you come in! Here are some bands I'm into; Bloc Party, The Smiths, Death Cab, Bombay Bicycle Club, Sigur Ros, Blink 182, and many others.

If you're interested, please reply! You can also email me at shawn_ambrose18@hotmail.com or whatsapp me at 91801686.

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do u need any additional guitar player... i can play lead solo as well but not that fast shread but still trying for sweep picking. i can invite my bass player also.... msg me at 98352913...... see ya !