Vocalist / Guitarist Starting an Alternative Rock Band


New member

I've been jamming as a vocalist and guitarist for a bit of time now and am looking to start a band that does Music that I wiould like to do, and possibly originals when we get better.

My influences are mainly but not limited to alternative and classic rock. This includes music from Radiohead, Muse, Coldplay, Nickelback, Seether, Linkin Park, Def Leppard, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, a bit of Audioslave, Puddle of Mudd, green day, blink 182, weezer, the killers.
I have also been interested lately in Cake, Imagine Dragons.

I would doing the vocals for songs from the above bands, am looking for drummer, bassist, and either 2 guitarists or 1 guitarist and keyboardist. If we get only 1 guitarist, we can try to work something out between the 2 of us.
If there are any current bands that do songs from the bands I mentioned above that are looking a vocalist, free me to contact me too :p

Overall I am looking for to gain experience, for the band to have fun and grow together first. Once we have settled in and built some chemistry, we can work on originals and possibly progress on more from there.

I am not looking for professionals, and am cool with players that want to enjoy music, the whole process/journey of jamming together, gaining experience and learning together.

Hope to hear some great replies, you can contact me by emailing me at livelongrockon@gmail.com or pm me, though my inbox is quite near full.

Live long and rock on,
Bump. Cleared up my inbox, feel free to pm me. Found an interested drummer. Looking for 1 or 2 guitarists and bassist.
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Update : Bassist found, seeking either one more guitarist or keyboardist for the band.

Pm or email me, thanks.
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