Hi there, we are treeger, and 6 piece band consisting of 1 synth member, 1 lead guitarist, 1 rhythm guitarist/acoustic/background vocals, 1 drummer, 1 bassist and 1 dedicated female vocalist. We are into all forms of rock and a little light metal. We have our own studio equipment if there need be, ranging from top end drumsets to guitars.
We propose to play the following songs:
1) Heal me, I'm Heartsick - No Vacancy
2) Teachers' Pet - School of Rock Soundtrack
3) Closing Time - Semisonic
4) Not Enough - Our Lady Peace
The above are subject to change, but pretty much are what we usually do. We are a committed group with various exposures to different genres and areas, when put together, is a strong and powerful team. Do graciously thoroughly consider us as part of your above mentioned gig opportunity. I kindly look forward to your swift reply, either on the post itself, or on my mobile at 81127898. Thank you and have a good day.