Amidst the buzz on V-Picks on TGP and Birds & Moons forum, I decided to jump on the wagon to try these out. Had been using Dunlop Jazz III picks and wanted to see if there was such a great difference as mentioned by countless others.
Ordered 1 x Medium Original and 1 x Medium Traditional Lite from BGW Guitars and they came packed and delivered swiftly.
The first impression was that the Original was pretty thick! I was expecting the Original to be the same thickness with my J3. By somehow, upon playing, the thickness doesn't seem to matter.
Played thru a Mesa Boogie Lonestar Special with PRS McCarty Rosewood clean, and with Jetter GSR/BB Preamp.
My findings:
Alternating between my Dunlop Jazz III picks, the differences are as follows:
1) Original - Somehow, I feel great using this pick, just a great feel. Had more clarity and dynamics, perhaps the sharp edges contributed to the tone as well. This pick is here to stay.
2) Traditional - Thickness and shape is about the same as my J3. Tone wise, slightly better clarity and dynamics but feels great too.
My take, go for the Original V-Pick. Had ordered the Ultra-light traditional for my acoustic. Will post tone review when that arrives.
Ordered 1 x Medium Original and 1 x Medium Traditional Lite from BGW Guitars and they came packed and delivered swiftly.
The first impression was that the Original was pretty thick! I was expecting the Original to be the same thickness with my J3. By somehow, upon playing, the thickness doesn't seem to matter.
Played thru a Mesa Boogie Lonestar Special with PRS McCarty Rosewood clean, and with Jetter GSR/BB Preamp.
My findings:
Alternating between my Dunlop Jazz III picks, the differences are as follows:
1) Original - Somehow, I feel great using this pick, just a great feel. Had more clarity and dynamics, perhaps the sharp edges contributed to the tone as well. This pick is here to stay.
2) Traditional - Thickness and shape is about the same as my J3. Tone wise, slightly better clarity and dynamics but feels great too.
My take, go for the Original V-Pick. Had ordered the Ultra-light traditional for my acoustic. Will post tone review when that arrives.