if your pickup is passive, plugging it directly into a speaker won't produce any sound because the signal is too weak. an interface is requiered for the two to sense each other. first you need to amplify it a little so it's strong enough to be picked up by the speaker. (imagine plugging a mic directly into a speaker-will never work) then, you might need impedence matching to avoid signal strenght loss/ or too strong signal.
assuming the impedence matches, you need to amplify it again with your speaker ampifier so it can drive the speaker. (eg: computer speakers has built in speakers. a single speaker ie. hifi speaker has no ampifier)
here's a block diagram:
guitar pickup-> [] preamp-> [] power amp->[] speakers
[] = impedence matching
you can build your own interface from scratch. if you don't wish to, you can buy a gadget called Direct Interface (DI) should be able to do the job.
for those who didn't study electric engineering, impedence is an ac form of resistance (measured in ohm) impedence matching is requiered when joining different stages of amplifiers. for example, if you have an 8 ohm speaker, your amp output impedence has to be about 8ohm too.
sorry if it's a little technical. just an engineer showing off