Used cymbals


New member
Yo guys, i'm on the hunt for vintage zildjian cymbals now, so im wondering if anybody knows of places like pawnshops etc that sells 2nd hand or used drumparts like snares and cymbals? It would be kinda cool to get a 2nd hand snare and refinishing it, or picking up a nice vintage avedis ride of sorts.

lepids said:
u might want to check out under classifieds?
good luck dude! :)
i posted a WTB. very few replies. and i couldn't find what i wanted.
yeah that's the thing i hate about posting ads. either the buyer quotes u a ridiculously low price, or nobody replies to your ad.

i'm trying ebay now.. but the biggest problem now is that most sellers there only ship to Canada or US. Very rarely do they ship internationally. And even so, I've got reserves about getting from ebay... worried about the actual cymbal condition, and how it'll hold up during the transport to SG!
^ thanks! i'll go give it a shot.. i recalled seeing a pearl piccolo snare at a steal there once.. but i didn't trust auctions sufficiently enough to jump at that deal.

-slaps head-
It is usually very difficult to find vintage cymbals in S'pore. USA will be the place to look for them.

I do have an old 18" A Zildjian Medium Ride, but not too sure how old it is. Don't know whether can consider as vintage though