URGENTLY REQUIRE AN ACOUSTIC BAND (DUO)??Experienced or in-experienced DUO wanted.


New member
Hi Im an entertainment agent and a producer.My name is Zack from Musicfactory.
I urgently need a duo doing top 40s and abit of evergreen to perform in a newly opened restaurant & bar in the hearts of Marina Bay.
If any of you guys out there would like to earn some extra cash please do send me your band's resume and do attach a video/(audition) or a link of your band doing 2 covers song (fast and slow).For bands that are already performing do let me know where you are performing and on what nites.
Please email asap to zack@musicfactory.sg (audio attachment only will not be entertain as I need some visual as well,sorry)

Bands with a female front liner will stand a better chance of being shortlisted, nevertheless 2 male duo will be considered as well as I need to sign up 2 bands.
The chosen bands will require to perform from 2 to 3 nites/3 sets (Tue to Sat). Shortlisted bands will require to audition on the 17th of April in front of the owner and management of the bar. We are looking at least at a 6 month contract. For selected bands,we are looking to kick off on the 1st of May.
Really hope to hear from you soon.
For bands that are not shortlisted ,please do not feel disheartened as I may have other jobs in other venues for you .
Warmest regard