*URGENT* Bassist/Vocalist wanted for gig on 17th June.


New member
Hi Fellow Softies, I am the guitarist/temp vocalist of our band 'Charisma' who has won an audition to perform at the One-CSS Jamming Concert‏ @ AMK 3G Centre. We currently consist of 3 members(2 guitar + drum) and have to play semi-acoustic sets as we do not have a full band. We will be playing a total of 6 songs (2 Oasis covers + 4 Originals) on that day, and we really hope we can have a bassist(priority) by then, so that we can play heavier. Our band is quite Brit-rock influenced(you can hear this from our originals) and be inform first that we do not quite fancy modern American music style. if you are interested to play we us and meet the criteria that I have stated below, do drop me a sms for 98213818:

For Bassist:
1)Must complete NS
2)Preferably late 20s working adult
4)No showoff, we don't need a billy sheehan :)
5)Passionate & committed

For Vocalist:
1)Must complete NS
2)Preferably late 20s working adult
4)Have a individual or unique style of singing, think Liam Gallagher :)
5)Passionate & committed

Please note that we are not only looking for members to help us out for just an event, but also in the long run as a rock n roll band. Peace~