unplugged recording


New member
you guys know that theres plenty of jamming studios around and everyone's talking about them but no one's really talked much on recording studios so i wanna post a question where to do unplugged recording at a reasonable price. cos i know a few places who does recording and charges pretty high. i mean i dont mind paying the price for recording full band with the electric works and all but it is not reasonable enough for me to do an unplugged. i heard theres a man who does free recording for one song for new bands to get us started. anyone knows him? and your help is greatly appreciated yeah.
I'm sorry but there is no such man. if you want an unplugged recording go get a tape recorder.

edit: you can also beatmerchants
its much cheaper if u DIY, easier setup as u're doing acoustic. u can consider getting an audio interface and a nice Shure SM 57 mike.

if u wanna do studio time, u can try backbeat studios. talk to owner adrian for rates. Untitled Document