tuning problem


New member
hey i got this tuning prob with my guitar......like after i tune the 6th string,and go to 5th string,the 6th string will be like tune half down,...is it becoz of the trem bridge?or is it becoz of the string?plz explain any1....anw my guitar have no locking nuts :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?:
probably....dude...but depends on which kinda bridge u have
if ur's a fixed bridge then shld have no prob
if ur's a vintage tremolo one...then u'll have a slight problem but solvable
if ur's a floyd rose...good luck then.

u might wanna block the bridge with something like a small deck of cards..then proceed on to tuning the guitar. Will be easier to keep every string in tune.

btw if ur playing oblique and unison bends u might experience the problems too.
sounds like a floyd to me..well if u can solve this:
1xE + 2xA + 3xD + 4xG + 5xB + 6xE = +- 70kgs
..that tuning shouldnt be a problem :P

just kidding...well maybe next time keep to same gauge strings and change them 1 at a time :)
hmmm...thanx dude....so the vintage tremolo is the same as the ibanez standard tremolo bridge huh?
wan is that a new pack of strings?
if it is i think the strings are not fully "stretch" yet..

what i do is i will tune the the guitar to F
in order to pull the strings ...n trem springs..
this phenomena can happen if the strem spring are new..too
btw is the bridge is parallel to the guitar?

gd luck..
headwan, what you experience is very normal. We have to go a few rounds of tuning to get it in tune when changing a new pack of strings.

Some people change one string by one string, which will reduce this effect.

Least effect on fixed bridge, if got trem bridge, will have more. If have full floating type bridge like floyd Rose will be the worst.

New strings will settle after 2-5days on the guitar. If you already pre-stretch when puting on the new strings, the strings will settle faster.

looks like Floyde Rose.

Get a tuner and tune start from hight E, then low E, B, A, G, D.
Do it for 3 or 4 times and thats it.

I had this problem before, after you use to it, its not difficult at all.
is not a floyd rose and is not a new string....i noe that new string will take a while to "settle down",but this string is already 2-3 months....anw my guitar model is ibanez grx720
Likely your vintage trem is floating already. Some people prefer this as you can have more pulling expression.

Bad thing is git goes out of tune fast, esp when you trem it while playing. Worst thing is while playing halfway during performance, one string breaks, you git get totally out of tune.
Another disadvantage is limited trem possiblility as clearence is little.

Most players actually over tighten their vintage trem slightly more than clearence starts. This will keep the tuning better and when string snap, you git is still more or less in tune. Dissadvantage is treming is tighter and more restricted.

So depends on how you want your git to be adjusted.
Chang said:
probably....dude...but depends on which kinda bridge u have
if ur's a fixed bridge then shld have no prob
if ur's a vintage tremolo one...then u'll have a slight problem but solvable
if ur's a floyd rose...good luck then.

u might wanna block the bridge with something like a small deck of cards..then proceed on to tuning the guitar. Will be easier to keep every string in tune.

btw if ur playing oblique and unison bends u might experience the problems too.

hw to block it? i had the same problem wif my strat oso.. hmmm
for me i open up the back plate and stuff a battery into the groove there to stop the trem from moving.
or u stuff a small deck of cards at the end of the tremolo to keep it there.
tts basically wot i do..works for me.
Chang said:
for me i open up the back plate and stuff a battery into the groove there to stop the trem from moving.
or u stuff a small deck of cards at the end of the tremolo to keep it there.
tts basically wot i do..works for me.

but i heard once u block it u cant use the tremolo anymore?
block already..tune...then take out the block la...its easier to tune this way.
unless u really wanna make it dead lar. then tts a different story.
Chang said:
block already..tune...then take out the block la...its easier to tune this way.
unless u really wanna make it dead lar. then tts a different story.

so if i wants it dead i just leave it there?
ya....but i wouldnt suggest a battery though..haha..
my strat has a batt inside his ass and apparently he isnt too happy abt it.
think gonna buy 2 more springs this sat to reinforce the back instead.

but if u really wanna solid object then get a wooden block and cut it into a suitable size then stuff it inside. No more tuning problems...
Chang said:
ya....but i wouldnt suggest a battery though..haha..
my strat has a batt inside his ass and apparently he isnt too happy abt it.
think gonna buy 2 more springs this sat to reinforce the back instead.

but if u really wanna solid object then get a wooden block and cut it into a suitable size then stuff it inside. No more tuning problems...

whats the purpose of springs? the more so that its more resistance to out of tuning?? ..how to go round adding springs? is there any patterns or? my strats got 3 ://
more springs u have = more pulling force = tremolo wun move so much so tt it makes ur guitar go out of tune.

to add springs just open the back plate lor.. got 3 there correct. Just follow the pattern and add 2 more lor. no particular pattern la...quite idiot proof.
Chang said:
more springs u have = more pulling force = tremolo wun move so much so tt it makes ur guitar go out of tune.

to add springs just open the back plate lor.. got 3 there correct. Just follow the pattern and add 2 more lor. no particular pattern la...quite idiot proof.

hmm.. i only got 1 extra spring.. could i add 4 instead of 5?
Chang said:
block already..tune...then take out the block la...its easier to tune this way.
unless u really wanna make it dead lar. then tts a different story.

wouldn't the guitar go out of tune once u remove the block then, since the tension from the springs are not balanced with that from the strings? :wink:

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