The major difference between a transistor and a tube amplifiers is exactly that - the amplifying device. Transistor amplifiers use transistors to amplify signals. Tube amplifiers use vacuum tubes or valves to amplify signals.
The basic operation of a vacuum tube can be compared to the modern alternative of a FET transistor (although they don´t give the same sound, the principles are similar in operation).
Solid state amplifiers are generally more reliable and have less maintenance costs. Why do tube amps need maintenance? Like most things, the tubes wear out need replacing. How often depends on how much use and how often the amp is over driven. The more stress you put on the valves, the less life you get out of them. Also when changing tubes, they need to be biased.
Why The Difference in Sound :
Tube amplifiers tend to sound better to the ears. The reason for this is that vacuum tubes when amplifying sound, tend to emphasize the middle range frequencies when distorting, which gives you that "warm" tube sound. This could be accredited to the way the wave distorts. The wave is compressed rather than clipped, which a transistor will do.
The basic operation of a vacuum tube can be compared to the modern alternative of a FET transistor (although they don´t give the same sound, the principles are similar in operation).
Solid state amplifiers are generally more reliable and have less maintenance costs. Why do tube amps need maintenance? Like most things, the tubes wear out need replacing. How often depends on how much use and how often the amp is over driven. The more stress you put on the valves, the less life you get out of them. Also when changing tubes, they need to be biased.
Why The Difference in Sound :
Tube amplifiers tend to sound better to the ears. The reason for this is that vacuum tubes when amplifying sound, tend to emphasize the middle range frequencies when distorting, which gives you that "warm" tube sound. This could be accredited to the way the wave distorts. The wave is compressed rather than clipped, which a transistor will do.