Tube Amp HELP! Fender Champion 600


New member
Hello all,

I just purchased a Fender Champion 600 from SL just last week. It's an awesome amp, however, the sound kinda fades out all of the sudden, and then comes back, then fades out again, and so forth... I'm taking it to the service centre on Sat., but if anybody could please enlighten me on what could be wrong with my amp?

Replies would be greatly appreciated.

Hey bro, I bought the same amp too in March this year at SL. Yes it's an awesome amp. Btw did you wait for about at least 5 mins for the tube to warm up before start playing? Anyway I got a problem too after using it for about one month. While using it, there's a burning smell and smoke came out of the amp. I quickly switch it off. Send them for service and ws informed the power tube burnt and being replaced.
I didn't wait for 5minutes, only around a minute or so.. Have I damaged the tubes or anything?!
I suspect the tube problem. Why don't you send it for service since it iis still on warranty? They took about 1 to 2 weeks to do it.
Thanks for your replies. Hehe... But I've just discovered that it's my strat's middle pickup.... Gawd... Got this piece from them too :mad::mad:. When I've repaired this strat then I'll make sure the amp is working fine :D

And, yeah I do have a warranty so if anything, it's sims drive for me! :mad: