tsunami might hit sg


New member
oh great...tt guy who predicted tt the tsunami would hit asia last year, now predicts that it may hit SINGAPORE!!?!?!?!!! can he be trusted!?!?!
I dun think so becos we are surrounded by other islands

Anyway, work hard and play hard
Terrorists might hit Singapore!
no.. he predicted that the tsunami will travel throught the johor straits, something like that...

aniwae, if there was a tsunami, just go to the nearest hdb building, and go to the highest floor lar... :D
u know some hdbs got those stores which u can go in, in times of war.
so if it can withstand that much damage, a tsunami, well, just water with a lot of force, wun collapse the building. i tink.
If concrete buildings were brought down, what makes you think your cute hdb flat will hold? Somore we're a rather small country, our coasts are not quite built up, a wave can surely hit hard.
i would climb onto my house the root weee

but i hope that wont happen la, i mean we've been living in so much comfort in sg, if a disaster would strike, wah! chaos man!
Since Singapore is surrounded by Malaysia, Indonesia and islands, i would worry more about large earthquakes. They say a really large one can liquify reclaimed land and the buildings would actually sink.
singapore will only be hit by a tsunami if

1) the epicenter of the quake is near the nicobar islands, or north of the epicenter that hit indonesia last december

2) that earthquake is about at least 7 on the richter scale to cause a small one...and about 9 to cause the one that hit last year.

3) and even if singapore gets hit, it would be a pretty high wave but not a powerful one bcause the johor straits is narrow and would cut out the force, only problem is the height of the waters will increase

if it happens, it happens, dont panic unneccesarily and worry yourself.
heh..nowhere to run leh..jia lat arh..niwae..maebe the tsunami might hit singapore..we never noe..wait are there any hot air balloons in singapore?if there are..ermm..why dun we rent them..and take off as soon as the tsunami unleashes its fury..take ur guitars and stuff..but no amps pls..too heavy..ahahahahhaha..kidding.im feeling stupid.heh.feel like tt everyday.

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