True Power Metal Warriors!


New member
Calling all true metal warriors out there.. We need a whole new line-up as some of the current members have other commitments to fulfil. We play Epic/true/power metal incorporating neoclassical/melodic elements in our music. Currently we need a keyboardist and also our priority, a new bassist and vocalist. Our influences are very much towards european style of power metal.. Bands like Domine, Battleroar, Dark Nightmare, Crosswind, Insania Stockholm to name a few.. We also plan to record our songs and produce a single/ep hopefully by this year as we have a few originals that are already written. No disrespect, but I personally think that we already have quite a few alternative, indie, melodic death, trash, black metal bands here in Singapore.. time to step it up n do some true power metal. Drop me a pm aite.. I hope to here from u guys. Thanx and keep it true! \m/