hello good people.
The Substation presents
Tribal Gathering of the Tongue Tasters
The Substation is launching a new music and sonic arts programme to be presented the first Saturday of every month from October to December 2010. Each gathering will be a sound and performance collaboration between an established and emerging local sound artist or band to create a sonic event that recklessly challenges the imagination of home-grown music.
The Narrative Ends Here
The Narrative Ends Here is a music performance by b-quartet + mux, collaborating with sound sculptor Mohamad Riduan and visuals by ila and Jun. In this performance, the narrative is invisible, merely prescribing information for the individual to process and interpret. This performance builds and destroys structures, allowing for space and thought to be the prime architects of truth.
Date: 2nd October 2010 (Saturday)
Time: 8pm
Venue: The Substation Theatre
Admission: $15 & $10 (students), available from The Substation
Phone: 6337 7535 or Email: mishaal@substation.org
thank you for reading through,
we hope to see you at the theatre.
better days ahead

The Substation presents
Tribal Gathering of the Tongue Tasters
The Substation is launching a new music and sonic arts programme to be presented the first Saturday of every month from October to December 2010. Each gathering will be a sound and performance collaboration between an established and emerging local sound artist or band to create a sonic event that recklessly challenges the imagination of home-grown music.
The Narrative Ends Here
The Narrative Ends Here is a music performance by b-quartet + mux, collaborating with sound sculptor Mohamad Riduan and visuals by ila and Jun. In this performance, the narrative is invisible, merely prescribing information for the individual to process and interpret. This performance builds and destroys structures, allowing for space and thought to be the prime architects of truth.
Date: 2nd October 2010 (Saturday)
Time: 8pm
Venue: The Substation Theatre
Admission: $15 & $10 (students), available from The Substation
Phone: 6337 7535 or Email: mishaal@substation.org
thank you for reading through,
we hope to see you at the theatre.
better days ahead