Trella - The Silver Lining EP LAUNCH!


New member
"At one time or another every band reaches a turning point when they have to decide who they are and what direction they want to forge ahead with. Formed in early 2007, Trella has been building a reputation with the local kids by playing numerous shows around the country to promote their music, despite each member having to devote most of his time to work or school.

Come 2010, the young rock quintet fervently pushes forward with more than just live shows in mind. A new voice and whole new attitude fuels their latest effort, the Silver Lining EP, set for release on the 24th of April 2010."

Picking up right where their last release, "Orion" (2008) left off, "The Silver Lining" marks a new era for the band and its listeners.
Recorded in June to November 2009 with producer Roland Lim who also helmed the board for 2008's "Orion," the EP takes you on a journey through the band's existence. Featuring songs both old and new, "The Silver Lining" gives the audience a sonic perspective of the development of the band and its music over time.


1. Introduction
2. The Gavel and The Block
3. The Lost Boy
4. Heart; Selfish
5. The Silver Lining
6. Faith
7. *Bonus track: For This Cycle - Closure Part 2

launch details as follows:
The Arts House Playden (level 2)
24th April 2010
7pm to 10pm
$15 entry at the door (including CD)
Presale tickets available at for $13. (first 100 receive a free sticker and button as well as the CD!)

opening acts:

the time has finally come for us to release our EP, The Silver Lining. come 24th april, a new chapter begins for the band. this however, would mean absolutely nothing if the rest of the family isn't there to rock out with us, and that means you people! you guys have seen us through thick and thin. we're incredibly lucky to have such an awesome bunch of friends such as yourselves. :)
we're excited as hell. expect the unexpected at our launch!
can't wait to see you guys, it's been a while.
seeing you there would mean the world to us. :)