Travelling With Guitar On Flights


New member
Hey guys need some advice on traveling with a guitar.

Recently purchased a gibson les paul studio silverburst online and it has been delivered to a relative's address in the US. I'll be going over soon for a holiday and will be bringing the guitar home on the way back. I've been doing some research on traveling with guitars but I still have some doubts.

Firstly, what are the chances of it being allowed to be stowed away on the plane? (Its in the standard gibson hard case)

Secondly, if it can't be stowed away, what precautions do i have to take to ensure the safety of my guitar, on top of bubble wrapping it and loosening the strings. Is the standard gibson hard case strong enough in such a situation?

EDIT: Im taking economy class on SIA so i doubt theres any space around me to place it
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Chances are they will ask you to check it in. Im not sure of the regulations now, but i usually don't agree to do so.

Also, if im not wrong for odd sized baggage, there's no coverage if anything is broken. Buy travel insurance, and check if it covers like your belongs that you're bringing back.

I've flown with guitars quite a few times and have only checked in twice. In both cases it was a strat in an SKB flightcase.

Your gibson comes in the normal TKL gibby hardcase, which is imo, not durable enough for checking in.

I've taken acoustic guitars on board with me on SQ and other airlines, just request for it to be put in the cloak compartment/cabin.

what you can do to prevent them from getting you to check it in, is to have another person hold it for you while you do the check in at the counter. The guitar will then count as cabin/hand baggage, so just stick to the number of pieces that they allow.

In most cases I've managed to bring my guitars on board, acoustics i'll ask if they can be put into the cloak compartment (its a bigger case). The air stewards/stewardesses are usually more accommodating that the staff at the check-in counter. For electrics, I'm usually able to put them in the overhead compartment. Be early, check - in early and queue up to board the plane early. That way, you can ensure that you'll have space in the overhead compartment. Also, try to get your family members to put their stuff in the same compartment to "surround" the guitar, so that other people don't come in and try to shove their suitcases into or onto your guitar. I recently flew back from Japan with.. Delta airlines (a much smaller airline that SQ..) and they let me have one whole overhead compartment for a Bass in a soft case and a hollowbody electric in a hardcase.
I've had my folks just bring back a strat for me.

from the USA it's actually much easier to get the guitar to at least the gate, and then the stewards can bring it down personally to the cargo hold. Same way I did with a taylor guitar last yr and it was in a standard poodle plush case.

From SG it's compulsory to check it in. over there not so bad.

but of course always prepare it for flight, loosen the strings and stuff the crevices with foam peanut or packing paper.
hey sivilion,

used to try my luck and try to hand carry my guitars... many times it worked and there was always a crew member cool enough to take it and store it in biz or first class locker, where they hang the jackets/coats... until that one day when they said: "NO!" (on SIA). back then, they said that since it could not fit in one of the overhead compartments, i had to check it in. tried to kick a fuss, blah blah blah... they wouldn't budge. being already at the gate, i had to reluctantly check my guitar in... in a soft case (hopefully it was a MONO, so fairly robust)! during the whole flight, i was all stressed out, but it came out perfect, no worries at all... this was from saigon to singapore. after all, they check in odd size and fragile items like golf bags, strollers, etc.

however, better be safe than sorry. if i were you, i would assume that they won't allow you to hand carry on board the plane.

3 options:
1) you try your luck and check it in (a bit risky)
2) you hand carry to the gate and ask them to store it with the strollers and if possible give it back to you at the exit of plane (best, so it doesn't need to travel in the automated luggage system of the airport)
3) you get a real flight case (not standard skb, it has to be IATA compliant) and all your worries disappear... drawback, it weights a ton!

hope this helps...

good luck!