Travelling overseas with a Mono case


New member
Hi all,

Just thought I'd ask for opinions and for others to share their experience with using a Mono case travelling overseas. I'll be traveling to Taiwan and will be playing a couple of shows, and I'm torn between choosing my les paul (which has its own hard case), or my strat/tele which can be hauled in my Mono dual electric case.

Now, I admittedly have some paranoid reservations about using semi-hard cases to travel (who remembers the tune United Breaks Guitars? Even that was with a hard case!), could anyone help dispel my paranoia?
i checked in my guitar with a mono case when i travelled to taiwan this april. basically i squeezed all my clothing inside making it tight and taut. although guitar arrived in one piece but it still depend on your luck and taking the risk. not 100% guarantee it will be safe.
Checked in a Les Paul and cymbals in monocases this last trip. Just got back from the airport. Everything made it there and back just fine.

Pretty sure you're familiar with Planetshakers, they tour with monocases. Joth brought his 60th Anni LP and Belman in a dual Mono case the last round (Neither of which are cheap or replaceable guitars if i might add haha). Same goes for Mark Peric... And i believe Mike Webber also uses monocases for his cymbals and snare.

I would bring the strat and the LP in the mono dual case.
Thanks heaps guys. Ok la, it doesn't pay to be paranoid about these things. At most, faster spoil, faster get new guitar :P If only there was a way of locking the case up (yet another facet of my paranoia. If the thief was desperate enough, no lock will stop him).