Toy Factory Productions - Audition Notes for Musicians and Child Actors


New member
Warm greetings from Toy Factory Productions Ltd!

Toy Factory Productions, the theatre company that brought you phenomenal productions like December Rains, 881 The Musical and EQUUS, will hold an Child Actors and Musicians audition for upcoming production, Glass Anatomy in May 2013.

Looking for

1. Child Actors and Actresses who sing and act. Age 7 to 10. Please prepare a Chinese song 2-3mins.

2. Musicians: Drummer, Bassist, Guitarist, Keyboardist, Cellist, Oboist or Clarinetist. Please prepare a 2min piece of performance.

Date : 20th Oct 2012, 11am – 2pm

Venue: AudioVaid Studio, 195 Pearl’s Hill Terrace #03-01 Singapore 168976

For registration, please call 6222 1526 / 9763 8770 for Daini Jiang or email where you can get more information and also a timeslot. Please bring along a colour headshot & updated resume.