to all key shredder!!! who went to D.Ts concert!


New member
hey, i m not a keyboardist but kinda impress with the efx that jordan rudess uses dat nite. any idea what was it? brand model?
kheir said:
hey, i m not a keyboardist but kinda impress with the efx that jordan rudess uses dat nite. any idea what was it? brand model?
look at the pics from the other post, he is using the Korg Oasys.
current super flagship workstation synth from Korg.
Yeah i kinda noticed he was using the Korg Oasys instead of the Kurzweil. i kinda think he was playing with sum ribbon strip or sumthing, the one situated behind him. Think the ribbon strip is very much like his Kurzweil K2600's. It's like a massive pitch bender with all notes or sumthin.
Pentium-based workstation synth with hard-disk recording.

Extremely high quality sound.
Powerful synthesis engines, with more to come.
Feels like an instrument.
Amazing feature list.

High cost makes it inaccessible to all but the well-heeled and/or ultra-serious.

76 keys, US$7,999; 88 keys, US$8,499
bongman said:
76 keys, US$7,999; 88 keys, US$8,499

Well, City Music was selling Oasys 76 at a very "good" price of $9960 last year. Unfortuantely, still out of reach for most mere mortals.
buying the Yamaha Motif ES8 is already considered hefty with a price tag of SG$6000.

unless one is a pro doing music for a fee of SG$3000 per job
then it is considered logical to buy the Korg Oasys.

otherwise as hobbyist, we stick to the racks, soft synths and soft samplers.
USD8499!!! With that price, I'll be able to have a set up same as that of Hans Zimmer with all the sample libraries and softsynths that easily beat the Oasys in terms of sounds. But then, it will not have the cool spaceship look of the Oasys.

I wonder if visual appeal is catching on. Well, I'll just stick to my "invisible" rack of samples!
that must have been the ribbon strip that was behind him that sounded like a "massive pitch bender".