tips: b4 u change your pups


New member
Check the setup of the pups on your guitar first!!! Some of u may know this alredi though

When i just got my guit, thought the sound of the buckers were very thin and weak. Almost strat sounding. Nearly went to buy replacement pups. Or even sell the guit. Then read the online reviews (harmony central)of my current pups. Was suprised to find huge diff bet many reviews. One said weak and thin another said bassy with high output. What gives?

Gd thing a reviewer explained the proper setup procedures. In short, I raised the pups height nearer the strings and it sounded full without being too muddy and with gd articulation. Was really impressed. Really unlikely that ill swap my pups/ or sell my guit now.

So somethings to try if your unhappy with your pups.
1) raise pup height - fuller sounding but may muddy up your sound. Raises output as well.
2)lower pup height - opposite effect of above also lowers output
3)adjust individual pole pieces - maybe an expert in the forums can help out with this.
4) Adjust your amps eq!!!

My original pups were the gibson 490r and 490t by the way. Maybe thats the reason why we're seeing quite a no of gibson specials for sale. Hmm..
yea the saddle... every other 5 is quite even only the last one is lower

sometimes when i play on that string feels the string hiting on the fretboard~
That's just a setup and action issue.

Which is also not a pickup height issue, which is that this thread is about.