This Side Up (T.S.U.) Needs a lead guitarist.


New member
Okay Lads,

We've been a 4 piece band for almost two bloody years and we think that
its time for another member to join in and fill that place up, the vocalist needs a break
and concentrate on just one instrument. We do all originals we don't really do covers maybe somtimes?
our influences would be more to the Brit Pop/Rock so as our originals. So if any of u lads out there intrested to have a go with us, drop me a post and i'll get back to u lads out there who are brave enough to have a try out, btw we are nice people. The faster we find one, maybe u lads out there can play in our upcoming gigs @ The art house and *Scape. So hear from u guys soon.

Cheers Louis (T.S.U.)