Theory or none at all?

My opnion is that Theory is important though it doesn't means that a drummer would be able to play better with Theory......because a drummer is also a Musician in a way.

All too often, drummers are seen by othet musicians as just...Drummers and not really knowing what Music is all about. I believe it is important for us drummers to understand not only Theory on Drums but also Music Theory (no need to be an expert on this - but try to understand something on this area).

I only realise this when I join Bands and started jamming with them. Depending on the type of band - one of my bands - the band members communicate using certain Music Terminology (that I could not understand) and I found myself looking a little stupid not understanding what they are talking about.....but I learn along the way and my band leader was very kind to me, being very patient guilding me all along the way.

So I now have a Teacher who not only teaches me drumming as in solely drumming but Music.....I know I have a long way to go - but I am really enjoying it....

I hope by learning these Theory, I can communicate better with my fellow band members understand them better so that I can work better with them all..........most importantly I hope they will view me as a Musician and not simply just a Drummer.

Cheers !
i'm sorry i know there are diff schools of thought concerning alot of aspects of drumming. but knowing theory is pretty much agreed apon.
but which theory u talking abt man? u talking melody and chordial knowledge or are u talking abt drumming notes?

drumming notes is a must i reckon. it's gd to know some chordial knowledge as well. so u know when a change is coming up and u can act accordingly with a fill or some sort of time change.

it really depends on how much freedom u want in terms of playing with bands. a rock most prob no charts, jazz, latin band will most def have charts. and their guitar charts as well not drum charts. so when they say okie man lets go from the C minor 7 u got to know wat it sounds like and where the chord is on the chart.

sori i know this post is abit long winded

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