The SOFT <Insert Name> Project


New member
ok hi all, basically this all started with the "Encouraging More People To Join In?" thread.

as you can see post #4 and #5. by me and hecklerkoch's , the aim here is help us to help each other.

---SOFTies who will make this happen----

? = SOFTie with a personal jamming studio / personal drumset willing to "sponsor" or at least rent out the room for recording use to cover maintenance of drumskin/cymbals/sticks. like.. $5 - $8 per hr or something? (this amount will be negotiated/paid by the band) free will be great too.

Me = As the recording engineer. (anyone wants to contribute parking coupons? i hate getting summons.)

Me = Videography of the recording process.

babs(pending) = volunteer photographer wants to chip in join in to snap some nice DSLR photos, go trigger happy.

babs(pending) = Podcaster/interviewer. (interview the band, talk more about themselves)

? = Gig Organiser or whoever got gig lobang to introduce this band a slot if you like their stuff.

so end product : we got a freebie demo/mp3 for a "featured" SOFT band. like Artist Of The Month.Helping bands get exposure, one at a time. it's not just all "text reviews" and "audio interviews" thats why I've suggested the video footage as well. more "visual".
as you can see I'm starting the ball rolling and I can only do it for the month of November. I'll be away for personal commitments till February. James(soft) and I will see how this idea will work out and the response and all. If more SOFTies join this project, it'll be more often than a "once a month" process. Kindly note that SOFTies who wanna contribute, must do this out of fun and leisure. no sacrificing of anything. it's pure non profit and non loss (or minimal). Anyone who has any ideas to make this forum be that one stop portal for every singaporean and foreigner who wants to network with local-nice-friendly-you's feel free to post.

end of the post.. james and I need your help with one little thing : read the aim, understand what we're trying to achieve and promote, then NAME this project.

50¢ worth

----------------***LATEST UPDATE***---------------
babs may have some friends who can contribute the drums bedroom thing..
for myself, I may reconsider instead of "layer" recording, make it "live recording". then instead of just "one band" , make it multiple bands feature. see how...
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Hey there! I think this is a great idea and it sounds really feasible! It'll make SOFT a more interactive site than just a Forum. Very Cool cant wait to see it being carried out!!
audioreload actually did somethign like this, with james from soft helping us with the videography... did it with randolf and embryo.

It took place end of last year... Actually we can revive that too! Would you be interested in trying that?
How about...

The SOFT FunkItUp Project?

As long as whoever's involved dont f**k it up..



Anyways, ya I think there may be something to that name. We are looking to spice things up a little in SOFT right...
Hmm. You mean your looking for bands who will be able to record Live is it? If so, you can contact me. :D

Anyways, how about, just forget "Project", just call it "The SOFT Collaboration". Or "The SOFTies Collaboration".
yeah , well we can't have too new bands asking to be featured if they're not playing well , this may sabotage more than help , cos ppl will be dissin' saying "they suck" and all.

but too professional bands don't need this either. and I'm talking about really big bands like firebrand/west grand boulevard or anything that level. cos they'll look like they're hogging freebies.

so somewhere mid ranged where bands are good enough (or don't suck) and need the exposure.

hey badger, don't mind me side track are you going for the drumxchange? I may be recording the event on that day =)

keep those names comin' , I'll discuss with james!
Erm. I dunno. When is it?

If you wanna hear how my band sounds, then click on the link in my signature. "The Highlights". =D