The Official Drum Clinic Thread


New member
We can talk more about future possibilities for inviting local (or foreign, for that matter) professionals and organizing clinics for ourselves in this thread.

But I suppose we can leave the foreign "big names" to Yamaha and Nigel to bring in, and we can focus on tapping our own local talents, no point in duplicating efforts.

My personal thoughts on this, which may be flawed, and have incorrect assumptions, so please pardon me:

There are quite a good number of amazing Singaporean players, but apart from 1-on-1 teaching, not many of us might have the chance to learn from them, or tap on their experience. Some of them might not teach at all, maybe teaching 1-on-1 might be too daunting without a proper syllabus.

I'm not saying Clinics can be a replacement for 1-on-1 teaching, no. But not everyone can afford private lessons. Collectively, in numbers, the cost can be shared to make it accessible to more. Maybe it can be a form of exposure for the Clinician too, as he might have a ready pool of students from people who have enjoyed his Clinics.

Why wait for Drumfest when we have a ready pool of pros at our doorstep?

Sure, maybe some of them simply don't like to teach. Or maybe some of them are really too busy with gigs all over. Then I guess we'll just have to try, and see who are the ones open to the idea. Who knows, maybe some of them have a passion for teaching but just find it too troublesome to organize a clinic on their own. Booking a venue, getting the word out there, settling registration. We can be that part of the equation.

We'll definitely treat them fairly with reasonable compensation for their time.

Please keep the ideas/concepts flowing, and maybe throw some names of the people we might be able to approach :)

Just some random thoughts from me.
just look at clinics organised by yamaha, sweelee, nigel, delphi, etc.

they are all top pros! but whats the response? pathetic. many can blame publicity, but i believe its still the mentality of sg drummers.
Hmm, I don't know about the rest, I was there for Steve Smith's and it was packed to the doors.

I wouldn't blame the mentality of sg drummers. The fact is that there just might be very few of us. And of that very few, not many can afford to pay the $50 (and above) ticket easily. I could only go because I was sponsored...

Look, as the recent gathering shows, there were 40+ people who were willing to fork out $5+ (for covering costs) to sit around, to watch and listen to OURSELVES talk cock about drums and cymbals. That's pretty amazing in itself if you ask me :lol:
While i understand and agree that some may genuinely cannot afford the certain fees for a clinic, but I strongly think that the cost of a clinic is not the factor that one will decide to attend or not to attend the clinic.

For my reasoning in this, let's temporarily put the subject of a drum clinic aside for a while.

In everything that we do, we determine a worth and put a value to it. The more value we perceive on a thing, the more worth and important that thing is. The more important it is, the more one would work towards getting that achieved.

When one says its expensive to pay for something, he is actually saying it's not worth that amount of money he had just put in. It may not be that he do not have the money. Because if it's worth it, one will work at all cost to get the money to achieve that.

This boils down to each individual's perception of worth. Something that only he/she can choose to change.

Why would one pays to keep their mobile phones upgraded frequently or have the latest electronic gadgets? Why is it possible for one to pay hundreds of dollars watch their idol sing, if not hundreds, it might still be the range of 50 to 100 dollars. Do we walk home with something that we learn to take back and improve our skills? Like how to sing better?? No, but still one would pay.

If one do not understand the value of a Playstation, he/she might even refuse to accept that when its given free.

The reason Steve Smith's clinic was "packed" to the door was because it was held in one of the meeting room in Suntec. That room is not particularly big. If the same people were to be moved to another venue, say the YMS, it would probably fill up a few rows of the middle section. If the same people were to be moved to DBS Auditorium, they would probably occupy a corner of the the place.

Nevertheless, drummers will still pay $50 to see him play "live" in person, hear him speak, teach and answer questions. Get a chance to just even shake his hand, or stand beside him to take a photo and sign an autograph, that would definately be worth it.

Now, tell the chicken rice hawker uncle about paying $50 and watch Mr. Steve Smith play the drums, he would probably say, "Siao! Better i give you $50, you go and help me buy 4D and Toto. At least i got chance to take something home when i strike!"

Let us not keep saying, we can't afford. We should just say we are not willing.
Like the saying goes, "If there is a will, there is a way."

One of the reasons why drum clinics are not very well attended is because all the attendees do not go home after the clinic with something in their hands to own and use it to further and enhance their techniques and skills.

I heard someone said that he would rather pay $50 to buy a drum artiste's peformance or instructional dvd to watch at the comfort of home and he can still pause or watch over and over again.

I agree! But that does not mean that i do not support the idea of drum clinics, the contrary is true. That is the reason why i will go all out to bring in Rick Latham last year for The Groove Weekend '06. He taught one to one lessons, did 3 nights of workshops and a groovy night of clinic with a local professional bass player.

Those of you who attended can testify what they brought home during that time.

Amongst all the great players that came to Singapore and had their clinics, only a few of them are good teachers of their techniques and skills. They are able to communicate what they are playing, clearly to the clinic attendees. They are able to explain complicated issues, simple, and allow the attendees to understand.

Thus not every great player is a good teacher or clinician (as we call them).

My interest is not only on International drummers but also drummers from around the region and all the more in our very own grounds. So submit to me names of local drummers who is willing to do a drum clinic and i will plan and execute for them. By the way, I did not say such clinics will be free.

The Singapore Drumfest is an event not run by product companies but by a group of passionate local drummers and percussionist. Such an event of this scale is the first in Singapore and first Asia. Featuring 9 International and 1 local drum greats. This ought to be a thrilling and exciting event of the year, especailly for us drummers and percussionist. This is organised for US!

What should be happening in the scene, should be one that is rallied, united, supported and anticipated. What should be happening in the scene, should be one that drummers begin to shake off that rusty joints and begin to shape up, rise up to the challenge of the year and see where he/she stands.

Imagine an event organised by Singapore, and no significant local drummers' presence? Imagine a drum competition and no Singaporean drummers sign up to compete with those who signed up from the other countries.

This will send a loud and clear signal about us here in Singapore. I do not need to spell it out.

If no one understands a thing what i have said. I am truely sorry, i've wasted your time. But the show must go on, tomorrow will come, the sun will rise again, we will work coz there are so much to do.

Though heart broken, but i still love you all drummers .......
:) :)
Nice one Nigel. Guys lets really support this. Think of it this way. Many of us always complain that "alamak! s'pore's music, drum industry sucks etc" or we also comment common things like "cannot make it" The way I look at it DrumFest 2007 will be a major MileStone not only for drummers but for the entire music Industry. Think of the exposure. Think of all the wonderful things that can follow after it. I think its great that we want to organise our own stuff etc. But for now lets go all out to support this bunch of people who have taken the first step to organise something this big.
Take the drum challenge for examle. Lets all go for it. Don't worry about being paiseh or whatever. For many of us, whats there to lose? Don't worry about those PRO or well known drummers. haha, they've got more to worry about.. Say losing to a nobody? heheh. It'll be sad if the drum challenge has no Singaporean's inside eh? Everybody's views are valid. Bt lets put aside skeptiscm and doubt and make this event a major success. Start saving up now. Sign up for the Drumchallenge. Start practising. Start doing your studies. Show your stuff at DRUMCHALLENGE 2007!!! For those who who have always wanted something like this. Your chance is finally here! Dont lose this opportunity.
Yay, thanks Nigel for chiming in. Been hoping this would catch his attention, because he's the best example of a passionate guy who has the experience, resources and most of all, HEART, to make things work.

I agree with all points, but I'd also have something to suggest and add on.

It is definitely true that not all great players will automatically be good teachers/clinicians. I think one way we could assist these players (drummers with a quieter personality perhaps), is to have a facilitator. Someone who acts as a 'host' to help bridge the gap between the one teaching, and the one being taught.

The great teachers who have developed their communication/educational skills to a very proficient level, esp on DVDs and some of the US-based professionals, maybe they weren't as great as they started out, but learned as they go along.

Unfortunately, that can only happen with support from their local scene, and it has for them. Clinic after clinic, student after student.

Then again, it's not easy to find good facilitators too :wink:

Thanks for your input, Nigel. Gives us a great perspective from someone who tried, and is continually trying very hard to help the scene.
Hiya weck-x, weckish, reuben, dulltheatre, freakae, and all.

How are you guys doin'? If you guys are on skype and wanna stay in touch with me, here's my ID: drumsresourcesmusicplace

I want to be at the coming drum meetup and bond with you guys, the only problem is that sat 12pm to 4pm is my important opening hours. You guys go ahead till i can join you all.

Would love to contribute at these meetups too when i can. Just let me know in what capacity you guys think i can help.

Those who wants to conduct clinics, I am interested to organise that for them, let me know.

:D :D
Yeah, totally agreed what Nigel said. I mean there are lots of clinics around but not many people are willing to pay for it. Drumfest is maybe just once a year and maybe the price are steep. But not to say those international artists that are coming this year have played in Montreal drumfest, drummer'LIVE', London and some even Modern Drummer festival. With all respect to local professional drummers, not a lot have played in festivals such like that. Its best if we can see those international artists live who have been there and done that. Sharing with us the experience they had, definitely will be an unforgettable experience.

just my 2 cents worth of opinion.
Kenny Hogan (Singaporean) is one drummer who holds alot of Clinics not onli in Singapore but around Asia. I've never been to his Clinic nor seen him before (My friend's friend)-

This is what he wrote in a Clinic last time (my friend pass this to me) -

I will be performing with a renowned percussionist from Colombia & a Professor of percussions. I will be demonstrating & discussing on polyrhythms, odd-time signatures, linear phrasings,metric-modulations & many more! I am very certain these topics have never been taught in local schools. I am also covering very simple to complex drumming styles.

For those who have not heard of me, here is my quick profile. My name is Kenny Hogan and I am a leading drum clinician in South-East Asia, performer & music educator. I've conducted almost 140 drum masterclasses/workshops in S'pore and SE-Asia and have been actively teaching drums/performing & sessioning for major local bands/ celebreties for the past 15 years.

For more info on my credibility,experience & ideals,you may visit my website below. Please take note that registration for the clinic must be made latest by 4 days before the
show. Feel free to call me anytime on my mobile/office below for any queries. My colleague or me will be happy to talk to you guys!

Hope to see you my friends & God Bless!

Onward & Upward.....
Kenny Hogan
Leading Clinician(SE-Asia) Music Educator,Performing Artist
Founder- Kenny Hogan Band'

Do you all Know this drummer - Kenny Hogan?
yup i've been to a couple of his workshops. i was just starting out then and was really freaking blur cause these concepts are very advanced and if u haven't gone through them or have a grasp of them it'll really fly over ur head.

the impression i got of hogan was tht he was deeply frustrated tht no one understood or appreciated his particular talents. he seemed somewhat bitter to tell u the truth, but thts just the impression i got and is by no way the truth.

if u cld get him along tht wld be awesome. but i feel tht the audience needs to be gd enough to understand and ask intelligent questions. then i feel u wld have a clinician who wld be willing to share alot mr\oe than conventional clinicians and be willing to do more.
Nigel: Well Said. It is true. People would only spend money on something that could match its monetary value, though not always, but for drum clinics, I would say yes. It is coupled with a fact that not all good players are good teachers.

Perhaps, most of the drummers are too young or new to drumming. Thus, not knowing what is of really great value.

I myself is new, I could not play a thing. I'm so busy with work, but since I really like drumming, I even let this Drumfest be known from where I came from. So, those who could afford, can come and have this experience.

As long as I do not have professional commitment on the Drumfest, I would definitely come.
huh? which people dude? not trying to be hostile here. i'm just saying the stuff tht hogan wld teach wld be kinda advanced, and the last time i went hogan got alittle pissed off tht no one asked anything. i mean not saying if ur not advanced dun go i think its a gd idea too but there has to be some dudes there tht know wat he's going on abt and ask questions.