The Lush Project hunts for a Female Vocalist & A Synth/Keyboardist

HF Theory

New member
The Lush Project is looking for the following:

Female vocalist with a good vocal range ie: Paramore, Fireflight range/type & A Synth Player.

Criteria For Female Vocalist

- Able to project voice and has good articulation of words
- Has got own style of singing
- Not a shy person
- Able to remember lyrics and song structure (Come Prepared)
- Some gigging experience would be useful
- Most importantly, the ability to project, sing and articulate voice, + good diction.
- Used to band settings, so loud voice projection is important.
- ABLE TO COMMIT ONCE A WEEK JAMMING (Critical) (Work Schedule in office hours preferred)

Criteria for Key/Synth
- Has some experience gigging or knows an electronica synth setup, for a band setting. (Midi, Sampler, etc)
- Knows beat mixing, sampling etc.
- Has knowledge of piano/keyboard playing

If you're a beginner synth player and is serious about being a synth player & are able to invest in gears, give us a shout!

If you think you'd like to give it a go, email us stating the position you'd like to try for, at

thelushproject (at) yahoo (dot) com (dot) au

Leave your name & contact number.

Thanks and we hope to hear from you soon!

The Lush Project