For awhile i've been hearing from people here that playing with a metronome is quite important.
To be honest, i have never really used a metronome, only played slower with an old version of Guitar Pro.
I'm not really an soloist or anything, but does the metronome apply when you're playing at like 120 or higher?
i'm quite sure you guys know of songs that are faster, but does the metronome still apply at those speed?
i know some of you stress the importance of the metronome,
what about on a band level?
when you're playing along with the drummer, bassist, do you all use the metronome together?
sorry for my ignorance
To be honest, i have never really used a metronome, only played slower with an old version of Guitar Pro.
I'm not really an soloist or anything, but does the metronome apply when you're playing at like 120 or higher?
i'm quite sure you guys know of songs that are faster, but does the metronome still apply at those speed?
i know some of you stress the importance of the metronome,
what about on a band level?
when you're playing along with the drummer, bassist, do you all use the metronome together?
sorry for my ignorance