so ヒロト started a thread to flame me, but he conveniently distorted and left out some facts to make it seem like i'm the bad guy.
1) he claimed that i flamed him in his "metal engraving service" thread, telling him to use google. it wasn't me, i never posted there, it was dodgethis, go read up on that stupid thread if you like. incidentally ヒロト flamed dodgethis for pointing out the obvious, which ヒロト remained oblivious to. just because someone flames you because you are stupid, means it must be me? duh.
2) i flamed him in his band recruitment thread about 2 things. 1stly, about his definition of lead guitarist. i just found it amusing that music from ai otsuka and mika nakashima also requires lead guitarist. but the main reason i flamed him was because of his racist band selection criteria. yet james deleted my posts there instead of questioning ヒロト about his questionable criteria. now, the entire thread is deleted, i don't know if james deleted it or ヒロト pushed james' hand to. ヒロト, tell me if you deserve to be flamed for this? why did you leave this out in your flame thread?
now in the latest flame war, it all started because ヒロト flamed another guy in that other guy's sales advert. he flamed first, i chided him for it, it went on and on, he never gave it a rest yet misleaded all of you into thinking he did in his flame thread about me, by saying:
"the post isnt meant to create or stir more trouble...i just felt there is a need to remind him that if one stops, he should stop as well, but i was at work...he thought i gave up and tried to stir more fire, so since he is itching for more i shall officially expose him, so people wont get the wrong idea that i argue for nothing..."
when he DID NOT stop, because he had to shoot back in that other guy's advert with every post i made to tell him to screw off because it's his fault, and to top it off he even started a FLAME thread to flame me. ヒロト, if you can't take the heat, then don't start the fire.
AND i don't say he act jap simply because he has a jap nickname. i said that because of his racist selection criteria for his band, and when he first got active here, he only posted in jap language. that time when he only posted in jap, i told him to post in english so that people can understand. i only brought up his "act jap-ness" because of his incorrigible attitude in the other guy's sales advert.
btw james, this ヒロト wanker 恶人先告状 and you take it that he is the innocent party and i'm the
flamer. everytime i flamed him, it was with good reason. in the latest ruckus about his flaming at the other guy's sales advert, i flamed him and he deserved it as usual but he had to start a new thread to flame me while distorting and leaving out facts. then you closed the thread and put in the final post to make it seem like it's my fault, giving me a warning but not to ヒロト?
this is not a flame thread, just giving my side of the story. if i don't start this thread and give my side of the story, everybody will just buy into ヒロト's version, which is totally ridiculous with facts left out
and distorted, and equivalent to banning me already. why should i be banned for chiding ヒロト when he was at fault?
if you ban me for this, so be it, if that's the case i don't want to stay in this forum anymore, because there's simply no point.
which reminds me of another thing: previously i was banned because of the flames that started simply because i asked a seller if he has certificate of authenticity for his gibson, because that advert appeared dodgy! not long afterwards, i learnt from subversion's blog that someone had indeed bought a fake gibson! what are the chances that it's the same gibson in question? so it seems like the purpose of enabling comments if not for people to alert buyers about dodgy deals? it seems like the comments section is for people like ヒロト to spew their shit! and incidentally, subversion also got flamed by duno who for pointing out in his blog how to detect fake gibson.
1) he claimed that i flamed him in his "metal engraving service" thread, telling him to use google. it wasn't me, i never posted there, it was dodgethis, go read up on that stupid thread if you like. incidentally ヒロト flamed dodgethis for pointing out the obvious, which ヒロト remained oblivious to. just because someone flames you because you are stupid, means it must be me? duh.
2) i flamed him in his band recruitment thread about 2 things. 1stly, about his definition of lead guitarist. i just found it amusing that music from ai otsuka and mika nakashima also requires lead guitarist. but the main reason i flamed him was because of his racist band selection criteria. yet james deleted my posts there instead of questioning ヒロト about his questionable criteria. now, the entire thread is deleted, i don't know if james deleted it or ヒロト pushed james' hand to. ヒロト, tell me if you deserve to be flamed for this? why did you leave this out in your flame thread?
now in the latest flame war, it all started because ヒロト flamed another guy in that other guy's sales advert. he flamed first, i chided him for it, it went on and on, he never gave it a rest yet misleaded all of you into thinking he did in his flame thread about me, by saying:
"the post isnt meant to create or stir more trouble...i just felt there is a need to remind him that if one stops, he should stop as well, but i was at work...he thought i gave up and tried to stir more fire, so since he is itching for more i shall officially expose him, so people wont get the wrong idea that i argue for nothing..."
when he DID NOT stop, because he had to shoot back in that other guy's advert with every post i made to tell him to screw off because it's his fault, and to top it off he even started a FLAME thread to flame me. ヒロト, if you can't take the heat, then don't start the fire.
AND i don't say he act jap simply because he has a jap nickname. i said that because of his racist selection criteria for his band, and when he first got active here, he only posted in jap language. that time when he only posted in jap, i told him to post in english so that people can understand. i only brought up his "act jap-ness" because of his incorrigible attitude in the other guy's sales advert.
btw james, this ヒロト wanker 恶人先告状 and you take it that he is the innocent party and i'm the
flamer. everytime i flamed him, it was with good reason. in the latest ruckus about his flaming at the other guy's sales advert, i flamed him and he deserved it as usual but he had to start a new thread to flame me while distorting and leaving out facts. then you closed the thread and put in the final post to make it seem like it's my fault, giving me a warning but not to ヒロト?
this is not a flame thread, just giving my side of the story. if i don't start this thread and give my side of the story, everybody will just buy into ヒロト's version, which is totally ridiculous with facts left out
and distorted, and equivalent to banning me already. why should i be banned for chiding ヒロト when he was at fault?
if you ban me for this, so be it, if that's the case i don't want to stay in this forum anymore, because there's simply no point.
which reminds me of another thing: previously i was banned because of the flames that started simply because i asked a seller if he has certificate of authenticity for his gibson, because that advert appeared dodgy! not long afterwards, i learnt from subversion's blog that someone had indeed bought a fake gibson! what are the chances that it's the same gibson in question? so it seems like the purpose of enabling comments if not for people to alert buyers about dodgy deals? it seems like the comments section is for people like ヒロト to spew their shit! and incidentally, subversion also got flamed by duno who for pointing out in his blog how to detect fake gibson.