New member
I work as a marketing consultant by day. By night and on weekends, my thoughts are always centered around marketing. It can be anything; a news article, something I just ate, something I saw while surfing the net, any random objects surrounding me which caught my attention..My mind switches to the marketing mode instantly, firing up seamless ideas and ways to market the current thing on my mind. Of course, all this DO have a structure to it. The first thing I ask is always "What's the value of it?"
"What's the value of it?" perplexes many. While there is a host of ways to define it, I like to keep complicated subjects simple. Simply said "It's the quality and whether are there people willing to buy". Only after that is answered do I ask "How do I market it?" This brings me to the subject of my writing.
How do you sell your music? In my previous entry, I mentioned about the need to sell your music. With the availability of ready distribution at zero cost (youtube, my space, facebook, blogs, forums like SOFT...), one only need the time and effort to get instant publicity.
But there is a difference between publicity you want and the publicity you don't want. (of course, marketers have a saying of "All publicity is good publicity", too much to cover here) A bad recording or poor melody confuses and distances your potential audiences. One too many of it and you are history. It's an irony when it comes to digital marketing. Instant stardom can lead to instant death if the fundamental; quality of your music isn't up to par.
So Andy, what's the the best advice on selling my music?
The best product market itselfs. The whole marketing department merely pushes the already marketable product to new heights. Without quality, the best marketing/marketing guru in the world couldn't help. The best marketing is not about what's the best strategy or available tools there is, but rather it's about asking oneself "What's the quality of it to market itself?"
There is no "chicken or egg first?" doubt about it.