Tertiary Jrock Band Competition in NUS


New member
The NUS Japanese Karaoke Club is currently looking at holding a tertiary jrock band comp at NUS sometime early Feb next year. However, we will like to know the response before we are able to persuade sponsers to sponser prizes. So yeah, any Jrock bands will be interested? By tertiary i mean all Polytechnics, NUS, NTU and SMU current students. Sponsers that we are thinking of approaching are Davis Music, Yamaha, City Music, Luther Musicworks
i think the response will be greater if its open to all the jrock bands in SG..why must it be tertiary? because of NUS?

Cheers :p
if all jrock bands .. then confirm + chop alot bands... if nus only then dont think ah.. coz jrock community in sg very small. everyone know each other.
well, as a matter of fact, yes, the prb is that it's supposed to be held at a relatively small venue and we definately cannot justify the reason if it's open to outside since it's NUS... But I'll see wat i can do
haha.. Sounds good, already 2 interested. If things go well we could have a big event at NUS next Feb! Well, before that I need sponsers~ hahaha... You guys think Davis will be interested? My aim target is still Yamaha though.
hmm davis..dunno bout the uncle leh...but it will be nice for them to be part of it :D

if my band is completely form and have enough pratice..will take part too :)

think many of the local jrockers not in this forum..i can help you spread arnd the msg :wink:
my band's interested. just a question though......since its a jrock band comp, then do u need us to play only covers or originals. ie. bands with originals will be a plus?
ok then, keep us updated! we're pretty interested.....dunno if you know about the Streetfest J party this sat at youth park. could go and catch some of the local j bands playing......we're playing for the 1st time too :?
Well, my band was supposed to perform this sat too, as my bassist knew one of the organisers but seemed that there was some miscommunication between my bassist and the guy so we ended up being left out as there was no more places.
the whole event, since we are a Jrock band. Nahz... It's okay actually, gives me time to work on my first demo album for the band and to plan the band comp, anything for the sake of Singapore Jrock. Hehehe