Synchronium classical guitar


New member
Hey guys,

I'd just bought a 50$ classical guitar from Synwin, it says Synchronium on the headstock. Is it a good guitar for a beginner? I would love play songs from Taylor Swift on it. Thanks.
No need to be sorry. There are 50-100 dollar acoustics at Davis, although those are really low quality. Sure it's playable. But it depends on whether you like the tone your guitar gives you.
No need to be sorry. There are 50-100 dollar acoustics at Davis, although those are really low quality. Sure it's playable. But it depends on whether you like the tone your guitar gives you.

Okay. I haven't tried any other guitars so I'm not sure if this one has good tone. Is there any major differences between acoustic and classical guitars? Sorry for the really newbie question. Thanks for the replies I really appreciate it.
Acoustic guitars use steel strings while classical ones use nylon strings. Thus acoustic guitars are harder to fret due to the steel strings. Second would be the neck. Classical necks are much fatter. And of course the tone. Acoustic guitars are much more powerful.
Acoustic guitars use steel strings while classical ones use nylon strings. Thus acoustic guitars are harder to fret due to the steel strings. Second would be the neck. Classical necks are much fatter. And of course the tone. Acoustic guitars are much more powerful.

Oh okay, thanks, that was really very helpful.
So, should I get an acoustic guitar for the genre of songs I play?
get a guitar u like and don't care about what other ppl say , the thing is u must like it.
If you like the feel and sound of a classical guitar, why not? Same tuning what... There's no law that states that only steel-stringers can play Taylor Swift. It just happens that classical guitars are better suited for fingerpicking. So it is up to you whether you use nylon-string or steel-string. It is down to whether it stays in tune, feels ok, sounds ok... :cool:
a piece of advice. you can just settle with your current guitar and practise and practise, until you think you needa acoustic guitar because you want a new tone. for some people, they simply hate classical tone but for some, they love the crunchy sound it produce. it all boils down to your personal preference, hence, since it's just for practice, i suggest you do it on a classical. because when you move on to acoustic or electric, they have a much lower action and you'll find it even easier. who says you can't do taylor swift songs on a classical? you can do in on any instruments. a classical, a acoustic, a semi-acoustic, an electric, a piano, a violin. it is just a matter that talyor swift herself uses an acoustic. but it doesn't matter, a tune is still a tune. so taylor swift's using a talor guitar. do you mean that you have to buy taylor swift's particular taylor model to cover her song? dang! then you must have many guitars to own, in order to cover various bands that uses different guitars. now there goes your answer for your question regarding your classicals covering the songs.

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Get an acoustic guitar if you prefer Taylor Swift songs.

Can try maestro/Fina?(taiwan brand i think)./ 2nd hands if you're unsure of what to get.