SX Bass


New member
Looking for a sx p bass.Is it still available in singapore?Btw heard that its available at rondomusic.What is the address of rondomusic?
You can find SX bass at some cash converters.... but i donnow if they are good... there are a few budget basses on-sale at too (incl SX)... I got one SX bass early last year from Davis ($250) & sold it off later for $180.... I saw a epi viola somewhere at going at $400+ cool too.. but I am too cash strapped for now :)
Group SX order anyone? Really itching for one of those ash jazzes on the rondo music website. Just as a guide, shipping for 1 bass is US$80+, 2 is US$60+ each and 3 is US$50+ each.

I'll be willing to do the orders and payments.
Group SX order anyone? Really itching for one of those ash jazzes on the rondo music website. Just as a guide, shipping for 1 bass is US$80+, 2 is US$60+ each and 3 is US$50+ each.

I'll be willing to do the orders and payments.

Group order SX count me in!