strings stuck to fretboard


New member
i was restringing my guitar,and as i put my e string(thickest), i realised that the string is to close to my frets. too close that it actually comes in contact with the fret. what should i do or try to adjust to adjust the string action so that it doesnt comes into contact with my fret???
you can do it yourself, but risk runing the intonation. but is this a new problem? like say, you didnt have this prob with the previous pack of strings?
ya its a new problem...
i'm still using the same brand and guage earnie ball super-slinky(9).
theres no bend of the fret board or anything . ive even adjusted the height of the saddles on the the bridge but still no help...
It's most probably the nut if you've adjusted everything else. One of my guitars has a slant nut...not sure whether to take it back to the shop or get a new neck (frets' are slightly slanted from the nut).