string stuck at bridge

i got a floyd rose bridge look fake
but there put license floyd rose

a licensed copy isn't a fake (it may look like one...). it's permission granted by the manufacturer for the product to be reproduced. you'd see this in Jackson guitars for instance.
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KFchicken, be credible,
dont hide behind the screen, i know everything about the guitar you are talking about, firstly do you know whats the floating trem about, secondly, licensced floyd roses are authentic, its you who has no clue about what its about or whatsoever, oh ya, abiut your strat you traded with funktastic,
is it fun not explaining in detail what condition it is in?

wow u traded a broken shit guitar and complain about a trem u dont even know how to use, whooo the guitar cant even tune hor??

this spells out as you, a pathetic douche bag
have some etique and dont be a noob okay.

as for guys wondering why i type this,
pm me ill tell u the reason

douche bag douche bag

to close it off,
bye faggot
noo ok i mean rite
u know the part u put the strings in
then theres a thing u need to use allen key unscrew it but that bridge dun
have then i though it was fake.
Lol nw that subversion explain
i know it
and yes im a noob i just started
call me whatever u wan bro
KFchicken, be credible,
dont hide behind the screen, i know everything about the guitar you are talking about,

this spells out as you, a pathetic douche bag
have some etique and dont be a noob okay.

as for guys wondering why i type this,
pm me ill tell u the reason

was there a personal bout going on between you guys? if there is, then let it be personal. hope there wouldn't be any more name-calling here.
yes, it says much about the seller but it's not a cause for disrespect considering it happened to your friend, not you.

if you want to warn others about a certain seller being rotten, by all means go ahead but do so without inviting others to have a second opinion about you.
sub. don't be so hard on lady.
he's just doing what he feels right.

to testify to ladyintears,
the seller traded a guitar which could not be tuned due to the block being broken. however he did say the block was broken and told me i could replace one for $3, but failed to say it couldn't tune.
i guess its just a misunderstanding and lady just did what he felt was right.
the seller apologized to me already, saying he didn't realize it could not be tuned as he tuned it before trading. i think he didn't know it would go out of tune almost immediately.
cos i tried to tune and then play a chord after tuning everything and it sounded damn weird. =x

i guess the seller should have mentioned it earlier, but he apologized and was willing to take back the guitar if i wanted.