string crimping


New member
hey i just got a set of sunbeams and they said i should crimp before cutting. does this mean i cut after the bend leaving the bend attached to the rest of the string? they don't fit too well into the tuners when i do that.... am i doing something wrong here?
It means just that. You bend it (aka crimp it) so that when you cut it, the outer winding doesn't unravel.
so it means you leave the crimp with the rest of the string or you cut where you bend it?

oh yeah thanks for the ti flats dude. really really nice mwah sound. too bad my bass doesn't have pickups yet haha. sounds good acoustically anyway.
LOL - you have no pickups on your bass? How did that happen? :D
You leave the crimp at the point before you cut the string. It should be an L shape where the end bit goes into the hole in the middle of your tuner.

You're most welcome about the TI strings - hope you enjoy them!
huh need to crimp one ah. i just cut. and then bend it slightly and stick it in... any probs with that? :lol:
cherns said:
LOL - you have no pickups on your bass? How did that happen? :D
all parts project man. pickups and pics coming soon...
i'm getting a reverend neck pickup. undecided about the bridge.

feeling tempted by barts man... would get nords if they weren't so expensive :(
tim_1002 said:
all parts project man. pickups and pics coming soon...
i'm getting a reverend neck pickup. undecided about the bridge.

feeling tempted by barts man... would get nords if they weren't so expensive :(

Well... you get what you pay for :) If you hang around long enough, you might just be able to catch a 2nd one on TB.
that is true... but too bad i don't have cash to pay for them. would love to have a set of nj4s. nothing beats vintage single coil vibe for fretless.

i don't get your tb statement dude... sorry a bit lost... haha.

anyway could you pm me the price in sgd for the nj4s? maybe if i'm not happy with my current (rather cheap) setup and save up some money, i can give you some more business come cny time :P