Street Jam - 26th Mar 10


New member
Street Jam

Day: Friday
Date: 26th March 2010
Time: 1800 to 2200
Venue: Cathay Cineleisure, Plug & Play
Slot: 20 mins set
Equipments: Guitar amps, bass amp, 5pc drum + cymbals + double paddle, mics, cables. No stage!

1900-1920 Rising Axe
1920-1940 Ingride
1940-2000 The Misfit Ramones
2000-2020 BREAK
2020-2040 Ophelia
2040-2100 Germane
2100-2120 The Arrivals
2120-2140 Audifaux
2140-2200 The Mo Chi Him
2200-2220 Another Epic Story

See ya guys!!! :p
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