Stop This Train (Piano Version)

thanks for sharing kaye.

it is a nice rendition indeed. However, I'm still partial to the original version with guitars, and though it may have to do with the fact that I play the guitar and not the piano, I think John Mayer's lyrics complemented the melody and accompanying chords(n vice versa) very well, and the piano version just lacks that bit for me.

one more thing...I really appreciate how John Mayer uses a slap/flick technique in this song to create the chug-chug of a choo choo train, which is further embellished by the drums. The song talks abt how in life we're all on this train that can't be stopped, that is often moving faster than we'd like it to, and we and our loved ones are just growing older day by day. The slapping/chug-chug effect was key to the song, imo.

For the piano rendition, I particularly liked the end section, v fluid and nice improvisation.