"Stop The Pain Start The Music" Charity Concert

Cafe Diplo

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Inquiries to stopstart@cafediplo.org

A Cafe Diplo Concert in Support of Mercy Relief's Pakistan Humanitarian Relief

Featuring performances by Ark Analogy, King Kong Jane, Kevin Mathews & The Groovy People, and presenting Electrico's latest music video in support of Mercy Relief, "Save Our Souls".

June 21, 2009 (Sunday)
Powerhouse, St James Power Station
3 Sentosa Gateway
Tickets at $30 (with one free non-alcoholic drink)

Also available: $50, $60 & $70 tickets with bundled gifts from Mercy Relief

Tickets available at St James Power Station and various other venues (for an updated list of ticketing venues, please visit www.cafediplo.org

Visit the Facebook event page: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=96106016673&ref=ts
hey there crawldaddy. yup it was an awesome evening of groovy tunes, soaring vocals and dancing feet. thanks for being part of it all, and supporting the cause. till the next one ;-)